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Goodies Crosswords
Crossword - Jan 2015 - Print Email PDF 
Posted by bretta 12/03/2007


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Row 1, column 1 (5, 7 letters)  -  Every menu item at the North Pole Hilton contains this (Winter Olympics)
Row 3, column 1 (8 letters)  -  The name of all three Aussie ladies that clobber the Goodies (Scatty Safari)
Row 3, column 10 (4 letters)  -  Bill strikes this to summon the tea ladies (Kung Fu Kapers)
Row 5, column 3 (9 letters)  -  The Goodies make a film for Mrs Desiree ********* (Gender Education)
Row 6, column 11 (3 letters)  -  B: "I reckon I'll miss him."  G: "Not if you *** carefully!" (Chubby Chumps)
Row 7, column 7 (5 letters)  -  The quickest sin to commit, according to Bill (Earthanasia)
Row 8, column 1 (5 letters)  -  Bill drinks this to encourage his burping (The End)
Row 9, column 9 (5 letters)  -  Graeme's detector finds gold in this item of Tim's (Bunfight)
Row 10, column 1 (5 letters)  -  The name of the long-haired pug that Graeme breeds for Bill & Tim (Frankenfido)
Row 11, column 6 (6 letters)  -  Everyone is encouraged to "****** For Britain" (The Goodies Rule OK)
Row 13, column 1 (3, 3 letters)  -  An item of furniture that Bill likes because "it is my shape" 
(The New Office)
Row 13, column 8 (5 letters)  -  Surname of the reporter who gets squashed by the cat's paw (Kitten Kong)
Column 1, row 1 (3, 8 letters)  -  One of the new scouting badges that Bill & Graeme obtain (Scoutrageous)
Column 3, row 1 (6 letters)  -  Episode where Bill falls victim to Apart-height (South ******)
Column 3, row 8 (6 letters)  -  Tim: "To think up something like that you must be a ****** nutter!" 
(Daylight Robbery)
Column 5, row 8 (3 letters)  -  One of Tim's relatives: Uncle *** Lancelot (Camelot)
Column 6, row 1 (6 letters)  -  Mock ad: ****** ... Gets rid of Rolf Harrises fast! (The Stone Age)
Column 7, row 7 (6 letters)  -  Director Tim repeatedly shrieks this command at the start of filming Macbeth (The Movies)
Column 8, row 1 (3 letters)  -  The type of vehicle in which the Goodies chase Rolf through the Outback (Scatty Safari)
Column 9, row 4 (7 letters)  -  The initial destination of the Goodies' charity bounce on spacehoppers (London to *******)
Column 10, row 1 (3 letters)  -  Tim: "What about the man in the ***?"  Bill: "Hmm ... poetic licence!" 
(U-Friend or UFO)
Column 10, row 11 (3 letters)  -  Tim shows off this item to Graeme after winning with Bill at Crufts (Frankenfido)
Column 11, row 5 (7 letters)  -  Tim: (would like to be) "an Earl and an OBE."  Graeme : "You'd be an *******!" (Royal Command)
Column 12, row 1 (3 letters)  -   A classic Goodies song used as backing music for chase scenes in various episodes
Column 13, row 3 (10 letters)  -  Graeme uses this device to make his giant cod angry (Lips or Almighty Cod)

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