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Goodies Crosswords
Crossword - Dec 2012 - Print Email PDF 
Posted by bretta 12/03/2007


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Here's a new Goodies crossword for fans of the superchaps three to puzzle over.
As with my previous crosswords, if you're not familiar with a number of the Goodies episodes listed, the information in my Goodies Episode Summaries (in the "Articles/Guides" section) should help you solve the clues.
. C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 C .
R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R
1                               1
2                               2
3                               3
4                               4
5                               5
6                               6
7                               7
8                               8
9                               9
10                               10
11                               11
12                               12
13                               13
R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . R
. C 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 C .
Row 1, column 1 (9 letters) - Bill becomes Cuddly Scamp ********** of Cricklewood (Frankenfido)
Row 1, column 11 (3 letters) - Graeme melts this so that the Goodies can be competitive (Winter Olympics)
Row 3, column 1 (5 letters) - Episode which features Bill as Nanny Helga (*****)
Row 3, column 7 (7 letters) - This animal supposedly gets shot early in the morning (Cecily)
Row 4, column 5 (3 letters) - A big one lands on Knutters Knoll (U-Friend or ***)
Row 5, column 1 (3 letters) - The word that a rattled Tim places on the Scrabble board (A Kick In The Arts)
Row 5, column 7 (3 letters) - Bill bakes this with the aid of a record turntable (Cecily)
Row 6, column 3 (5 letters) - The menu at the hotel mainly consists of this type of blubber (Winter Olympics)
Row 6, column 9 (5 letters) - Graeme designs an elaborate one to protect the Crown Jewels (Beefeaters)
Row 8, column 1 (5 letters) - These animals dive-bomb the escaping Goodies (Goodies and the Beanstalk)
Row 8, column 8 (5 letters) - Attila the Hun has one splatter on his head during the Olympics (Rome Antics)
Row 9, column 5 (5 letters) - He welcomes the Goodies to his village by shooting Tim's hat off (The Greenies)
Row 11, column 12 (2 letters) - Goodies song title – Elizabeth Rules **
Row 11, column 1 (4, 5 letters) - The brand of battery in the Japanese driver's car (The Race)
Row 11, column 11 (3 letters) - The type of car which the Goodies use to chase Rolf in the Outback (Scatty Safari)
Row 12, column 3 (2 letters) - Rev. Llewellyn (getting annoyed) : "** it's booze you're wanting, is it?!" (Wacky Wales)
Row 13, column 11 (7 letters)  - Graeme's DJ character – "******* Caligula" (Chubby Chumps)
Column 1, row 1 (12 letters) - Major Cheeseburger: "Well I'll be ************" Graeme: "Your personal life is no concern of ours!" (Clown Virus)
Column 3, row 1 (12 letters) - A song from this episode - "The ************" (Goodies Almost Live)
Column 5, row 3 (4 letters) - Bill wrestles this musical instrument in a makeshift boxing ring (A Collection Of Goodies)
Column 5, row 8 (4 letters) - Mrs Carthorse to Bill: "Young man, you are wicked and ****" (Gender Education)
Column 6, row 6 (2 letters) - The train is hijacked and taken to "** Boring" contest in France (Daylight Robbery o.t.O.E.)
Column 6, row 11 (3 letters) - The world ends at midnight on Christmas *** (Earthanasia)
Column 7, row 1 (6 letters) - Graeme (trying to annoy fish): "The Radio Times is the biggest selling magazine in ******!" (Lips or Almighty Cod)
Column 8, row 8 (4 letters) - Tim has this role at Barbara's father's country estate (Free To Live)
Column 9, row 1 (5, 3 letters) - Episode which starts with the Goodies enjoying their hobbies (The ***** ***)
Column 10, row 11 (2 letters) - Bills ancestors are members of the "Ooh **" tribe (Alternative Roots)
Column 11, row 3 (6 letters) - The type of soup that the Goodies are asked to dispose of (Clown Virus)
Column 12, row 1 (3 letters) - Director Tim repeatedly calls "*** Macbeth" to start the action (The Movies)
Column 12, row 8 (6 letters) - Tim thinks that Goodies Hols is the work of a "raving ******" (Daylight Robbery o.t.O.E)
Column 13, row 3 (5 letters) - Graeme's building has none of these so the squatters can't move in (The End)

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