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Series Two
2/7 Kitten Kong (Original) - Print Email PDF 
Posted by bretta 24/09/2006


» 2/1 Loch Ness Monster
» 2/2 The Commonwealt...
» 2/3 Pollution
» 2/4 The Lost Tribe
» 2/5 The Music Lovers
» 2/6 Art For Art's S...
» 2/7 Kitten Kong (Or...
» 2/8 Come Dancing
» 2/9 Farm Fresh Food
» 2/10 Free To Live
» 2/11 Gender Education
» 2/12 London To Brig...
» 2/13 Double Trouble
» Special Kitten Kong...
» Special A Collectio...
» Travelling Instant ...



2 / 7     (#14)     KITTEN KONG (Original Version)
This original 25 minute recording of Kitten Kong from 1971 unfortunately appears to no longer exist; certainly not in colour footage, and to date no black and white version has been located in England or Australia.
The original episode was expanded with additional footage and entered by the BBC into the 1972 Montreux Film Festival.  This is the version that has been shown on television and released on video and DVD ever since and the master tape of the original screening was apparently wiped by the BBC in the early 1970s
The "Montreux 72 - Kitten Kong" special was put together at the conclusion of the second season; therefore a full description of this version of Kitten Kong appears in a special summary at the end of Series 2.
However a script of the original version is still in existence at the BBC, which indicates that the 1971 version was almost identical for the first half of the show apart from a few minor dialogue changes and a couple of different animals for the Goodies to treat – namely a broken rattlesnake and a depressed budgie which were replaced in the 1972 version by the mongoose.
The two film sequences of the pets being collected and the pets being exercised were reused exactly in the re-make, but some short jokes with pets in the office were changed, e.g. a sheep singing 'Baby Face' (" face, you've got the cutest little face") was replaced by the film clip of the two dogs singing 'Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better'.  There is also the introduction of a "not terribly butch" Great Dane which is omitted from the 1972 version, though Bill can be seen walking the dog in the film clip of the pets being exercised.
The last 10 minutes of the episode was less elaborate than the Montreux version, and consisted of the Goodies riding the trandem while calling out to the cat only to find that it had already upended a milk truck and terrorised the milkman and then emptied out a fish shop of its stock as well. As with the Montreux version, the Goodies change into mouse costumes, but this time tried to use a massive bowl of milk to tempt the cat.  When this went wrong, the Goodies had to flee from the milk bowl and Graeme almost got sacrificed so that the other two could get away (it was only a coating of salt and pepper on him that made Twinkle spit him out!), but then they took to the air on the trandem, much as in the final version. The footage of Michael Aspel - as with nearly all the film towards the end of the show - was specially shot for the Montreux version, and the 1971 version was more studio-bound.
Twinkle was finally sedated with the giant syringe as in the Montreux version, though it happened much more quickly and less dramatically in the original episode, and much of the dialogue in the office towards the end is a little different, though the closing sequence of the super-sized mice bursting through the walls is the same in both versions.
Despite the many changes made between this version and the remake for Montreux, it seems as though the original episode still had plenty of classic Goodies material to offer and it's rather a pity that it no longer seems to exist, even in black and white format.
For more information, refer to "Kitten Kong 1971 Style" by Andrew Pixley at

As you say, the best known Goodies episode. It's my favourite too, not least because many of the locations shots were filmed in the car park of what was then Ealing Technical College, conveniently located opposite Ealing Studios which was by then regularly used by the BBC. I was a student there in the 70s and we were all reverently shown the fading cat footprints in the staff car park...
Posted by:gentfam


date: 12/01/2013 19:29 GMT
Can someone please tell me who it is in the picture that the Scottish tour manager flips over "...and if that doesn't work, show 'em THIS!"

I just really want to know just out of curiosity.
Posted by:Methadonebunyip


date: 31/08/2017 12:56 GMT
I've been trying to find this episode online everywhere, but I still cannot find it.  Oh well, I guess I'll have to wait for the Goodies Complete Collection to come out.
Posted by:PaddyMad4


date: 16/11/2017 22:36 GMT
I remember watching this in the late 1970s or early 1980s when ABC TV in Australia decided to do an unedited broadcast of the entire series for once (There was much discussion at school the next day about any episodes that involved naked ladies bits). TV Week had Kitten Kong listed one night and I was very disappointed when it was broadcast in Black and White while all the other episodes shown were in colour... Well, almost all the other episodes. There was much more discussion at school about it when the Montreux 1972 edition was shown a few weeks later in full colour, but with quite a few changes made to it from the original. I think I had recorded the series via my brother's Betacord VCR and not knowing about the wiping of the original version ended up recording over it after getting the colour version instead. Alas, none of those recordings exist anymore after all these years. But it does go to show that the ABC did have a Black and White copy of the original Kitten Kong mixed in with their repurchased colour catalogue of the series sometime just before or after 1980.
Posted by:NubglummerySnr


date: 16/07/2018 13:53 GMT
This is very interesting NubglummerySnr. I've started a thread in the forum about this.
Posted by:JG_PeckinPahs


date: 17/07/2018 16:31 GMT
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