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Magnus Magnesium's Monthly Goodies Quiz 2013
Quiz - Jan - Print Email PDF 
Posted by bretta 01/01/2013


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Welcome to the new monthly Goodies quiz which is a replacement for the long-running Quiz & Quote section of the now-defunct Goodies Clarion & Globe newsletter.
The new quiz has dispensed with the quotes and will consist of 10 questions from two different Goodies episodes. The scoring system is outlined on the corresponding Answers page for each month's quiz.
So here's your chance to reclaim the 'Mastermind of the Year' title from Cuddly Scamp Hairylegs of Cricklewood by answering the following 10 Goodies questions correctly.   Your time starts now … !
Series 7, Episode 1: Alternative Roots
(1) Who startles Tim as he is about to take a photo of himself?
(2) What occupation did Tim's ancestors have?
(3) What sort of creature does the "traditional hunt" in Graeme's village try to catch?
(4) What are the two criteria for manhood among Bill's apple-growing ancestors?
(5) Which "final terrible humiliating destination" are the Goodies' ancestors taken to?
Series 8, Episode 4: U-Friend or UFO
(6) What sort of band is Bill listening to at the start of the episode?
(7) What drink does Tim serve up to a couple of tramps?
(8) Why was the "man on the bog" abducted by the trombone-loving aliens, according to Bill?
(9) What does Graeme loudly proclaim after returning from a session of UFO spotting?
(10) What is stamped on Bill's forehead after he is dropped back through the roof by the aliens?

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