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Goodies Episode Guide
Series 3 - Print Email PDF 
Posted by bretta 05/10/2001


» Series 1
» Series 2
» Series 3
» Series 4
» Series 5
» Series 6
» Series 7
» Series 8
» Series 9






The New Office

With their office destroyed by a lazy builder and his team of tradesmen, the Goodies build a deserted railway station and head to the countryside, only to find that their peace is soon shattered.

Main guests: Joe Melia, Julie Desmond



Hunting Pink

The Goodies visit Tim’s uncle at his country mansion and when Uncle Butcher unexpectedly snuffs it, Tim continues the bloodthirsty family hunting tradition to the disgust of the others.

Main guests: Erik Chitty



Winter Olympics

The withdrawal of the British Winter Olympics team sees the Goodies pressured into competing despite lousy training facilities, but Graeme has an idea to even up the competition.

Main guests: Peter Jones



That Old Black Magic

Witch Hazel’s problems with casting spells leads the Goodies to help her to contact lost souls via a séance and Graeme’s mystical powers eventually see him turned into a gibbon.

Main guests: Patricia Hayes



For Those In Peril On The Sea

Graeme’s urge to recreate an early Viking expedition and find the Lost Island Of Munga sees the Goodies shipwrecked and at the mercy of an old foe from a previous show.

Main Guests: Henry McGee, Norman Mitchell



Way Outward Bound

The failure to find any kids willing to go to an adventure school forces the Goodies to attend disguised as children, only to find that the school is being used for a far more sinister cause.

Main guests: Joan Sims, Bill Frazer




Appalled at the offensive songs on the hit parade, the Goodies perform a sickly sweet song on the Maxie Grease Show, but Bill is exploited and turned into a superstar by an unscrupulous agent.

Main guests: Barbara Mitchell, Julian Chagrin, John Peel

I thank you for the list of programe details as it has brought back fond memeries of the Goodies show!
Posted by:portisnice


date: 08/02/2005 10:02 GMT
Thank you for this.  It also brings back fond memeories for me.  I just wish I could watch some of them again.  I think my favorite was the "Royal COmmand".

Thanks again.
Posted by:wheatmaster


date: 17/02/2005 04:54 GMT
Thanks so much for putting this together.  I can't believe there are episodes from Series 1, 2 & 9 that I've never seen....!!!  If only they were all on DVD.  This has been great - I'm going home tonight to watch the many episodes I've taped!
Posted by:shazmel


date: 22/02/2005 12:48 GMT
I wish i could find the lyrics to their songs! I keep singing the same lines over and over again.

good to see so many aussies here by the way... this is a uk website.. but you wouldn't know..

the goodies are my fondest childhood memory.
Posted by:hendo


date: 13/03/2005 12:02 GMT
Actually Hendo, it's an Australian site  

It is designed, maintained and hosted locally in Adelaide (South Australia) by me .  I'm just lucky enough that the major contributors to the vast store of information come from all around the world. 

Lisa (Current president and Grand Master of Ecky-Thump) Lives in the USA, and the original founder (Alison) and very active member of the fan club lives in the UK after emigrating from Adelaide.
Posted by:zaphod


date: 22/03/2005 15:22 GMT
I member seeing Kitten Kong around 1978-9 and loving it, I live in California, and they were only shown here very briefly. Then last week I saw Kitten Kong again, and it's still really funny, the anchorman getting stepped on is hysterical.
Posted by:Ertznay


date: 16/06/2005 12:45 GMT
This sites made in Adelaide???
I live in Adelaide! this is the ultiate way of getting Adelaide recognised through the world...
Posted by:JGTMTE


date: 18/11/2005 10:42 GMT
Oh and i also think the man getting stepped on is funny... Monty python reference?
Posted by:JGTMTE


date: 18/11/2005 10:43 GMT
My gibbons are running over my OBEs (that doesn't make sense but hey this is the goodies!) The Return of the Goodies was great and I've ordered a Goodies DVD but damn amazon isn't delivering it! (VERY LATE) Well, I'm Sorry I'll Read That again is still on BBC listen again so I'm off to listen to it. Bye!
Posted by:ISIRTA


date: 18/01/2006 02:49 GMT
Re: Hendo's request for Goodies song lyrics.  I'm currently working on preparing the Goodies Music Reviews from past C&G newsletters for posting up on the website in this section.  Most of these reviews didn't contain the lyrics of the songs (just comments about them) so I'm currently adding in the lyrics for the 23 Goodies songs that have been reviewed so far.  I should have these up on the site within the next week or two and then you can sing along to your heart's content!
Posted by:bretta


date: 12/07/2006 11:43 GMT
The BBC lost the original version of Kitten Kong?  Sheesh.
Posted by:bakedbeans


date: 26/07/2007 12:00 GMT
Tim sure had a lot of uncles!
Posted by:ShinyShoes71


date: 08/08/2019 03:43 GMT
If I remember correctly the episode "The end" had The Goodies playing i-spy.

Posted by:Stevie641


date: 14/03/2022 18:02 GMT
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