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Not_A_Megalomaniac's Journal
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2006-03-21 02:25:21
Two posts in one day, I know, what's the world coming to!?

Been to sign the papers for the house.  If we don't move in on  Friday then it's not my fault, it's everyone elses.

I've started getting spots again.  Is it stress?  Is it eating too few vegetables?  Is it the lurgy (eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeYIKKABOOOOOO!!!  Ahem.)?

Worst of all, I now have a spot on my nose.  Isn't that the worst place to get them?!

Am going to attempt more work.  Didn't rest at all over the weekend so my back is near killing me.

I've got the world's rudest Goodies LP (the one containing Cactus in my Y-Fronts).  I've been traumatised by the very almost sex scene between Tim and Bill on the Policeman's Opera.  I was very worried. 

Not as worried as I was when I listened to She Wouldn't Understand.

And why didn't Tim sing Elizabeth Rules - UK??!  It would've made so much more sense!!!  Hmph.

Oh well.  Have decided that Tim is the male version of Peej.  There are some identifying factors in this decision:

1.  They are both blonde.
2.  They are both Northerners (Buxton IS up north isn't it?  It's only the next county along from Cheshire so it must be!!).
3.  They are both posh.
4.  They both went to public school.
5.  In a few months' time, they will BOTH have a degree.
6.  They both have a double-barrelled name.  Peej's real name is Pamela-Jane, and we all know about Timbo's surname!! 

Imagine if they got married, she'd be called Pamela-Jane Brooke-Taylor!!!  What a mouthful (she'd say to Tim... Ahem)!!

I, however, am not the female version of Graeme.  There are many reasons for this:

1.  We are not both Scottish.
2.  We are not both brunette.
3.  We are not both highly intelligent beings, although we both have secret hankerings on ruling the world.
4.  We do not share a love of chess, unless it's a euphemism.
5.  ... can't think of a 5.

It's a shame.  Still, I must be content with being the female Keith Moon - only not a drummer and a lot less beautiful!!

Mood - Shattered.
Music - Still singing I'm A Teapot to myself!!
Edited - Never

Spots? It's the stress. You need more alcohol! You cn trust me I'm a certified scrumpologist.
You're right about those two pillocks and their journal war. I'll pop in occasionally and say hello.
Posted by:Edna


date: 21/03/2006 03:29 GMT
Hello!  Am commenting because you asked people to.

B@stard act about the pay-cut.  That's just off.  They shouldn't have put you on in the higher position in the first place if they couldn't keep you there. Fingers and other bits crossed for the council gig.

Agree with Edna about the war - they're on 11 entries and 85 views apiece right now, so best to avoid the pair of them altogether and let it be a tie....
Posted by:jodievdw


date: 21/03/2006 12:00 GMT
Methinks that they visit their own journals to ensure that the visit numbers stay the equal  (does that make sense ) Anywho I also decided to show my support for your plans for world domination... Ahem... sorry for  winning the journal war   just remember me when you divvy up custody of Tim !!  According to your interpretation -  Peej' s fasination with Tim (although understandable) is the height of narcism...if she is the female version of Tim than ,in a sense, she is lusting after herself   hmmmm...  now that is the sort of food for thought only a true blonde could come up with
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 21/03/2006 13:09 GMT
thanks Bondgirl!

Spev; spots and pay cuts suck- if you feel like a brew on your way home tonight let me know!  Hee hee I'm getting better at remembering my journal. 
Posted by:Im_a_Teapot

Im_a_Teapot WWW 

date: 21/03/2006 20:56 GMT
Okay, I'm commenting, cos I'm well up for these world domination plans, and I'm pretty sure that we can work together to win over the lovely Grayboots together....(I'm willing to share...I really am that nice)

I also think I may be the female version of Graeme:

1. We are both Scottish
2. We are both brunette
3. We are both highly intelligent beings.  (Oh yes.  You better belive it.  Two years ago, I took the incredibly intellectual subject Philosophy of Science.  That fact that my hatred for it made me change my entire degree means NOTHING)
4. We both like chess. (Although, when I worked as a teaching assistant over Christmas, I was once beaten by a seven year old.)
5. We both have *exceedingly* cool glasses.

Need I go on...?

urban_spacegirl x
Posted by:urban_spacegirl


date: 22/03/2006 09:42 GMT
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