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Not_A_Megalomaniac's Journal
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2006-09-22 06:06:16
Rumours of my death have been greatly exaggerated

Just to put Bindy's mind at ease (like you've not got enough troubles, love), I just have very irregular internet access, but I'm okay really.

Dieting is going great.  Have lost some weight, dunno how much - but i look and feel thinner.  Even I've noticed I've lost weight.  Am getting there with the clothes I want to be in... this time next month I won't recognise meself!

I found out on Friday that Nathan is coming up north to do a gig and he wanted me to be there.  At first I said no, but then the next day I stupidly changed my mind and agreed to meet up with him.

I knew this would happen.  He's been my best male friend for years - and now I'm too scared to see him EVEN THOUGH I know he feels pretty much the same way about me.  This whole Love phobia is a real shitter.

I've got a dress to wear tomorrow - fingers crossed it looks okay on me.  Will let you all know.  Part of me is determined to talk to him about Things.  The other part doesn't even want to see him, and if I do, to keep conversation to a bare minimum and go the second the last bar of the last song is played without saying goodbye.

I'm also going to see him in London in December.  Should be good.  Am just very paranoid about the whole thing.

Will try and report on Sunday...  wish me luck...

Mood - Tired
Music - None - chatting to Carrie, Peej and Jess on MSN
Edited - Never

Dude!  Have fun- i shall be checking with Nath to make sure you get there ok.  You'll have a great time.  Don't worry about anything.

Peej xxx
Posted by:Im_a_Teapot

Im_a_Teapot WWW 

date: 22/09/2006 07:09 GMT
Is it Sunday yet?  Relax and just have fun.  Everything elese will work itself out. So heres to wishung you luck.
Posted by:bindy


date: 22/09/2006 09:09 GMT
Good stuff, Megs, you're a strong lass. I've got either a very slow metabolism or Karma is paying me out...anyways I wish you the best of luck.
Posted by:pruneonthemoon


date: 24/09/2006 19:06 GMT
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