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Instructions for joining the club & getting our newsletter can be found in the our FAQ.

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Suggestions can be found in our FAQ.

"The Goodies...And Some Untold Kapers" art exhibit private preview
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubAs we mentioned in April, there will be an exhibit of fan-art celebrating "The Goodies" (The Goodies...And Some Untold Kapers) at the Chequer Mead Community Arts Centre, De La Warr Road, East Grinstead, England from 15-27 July, 2011.

The artist, Jenny Doyle,  has asked us to pass along information about a private preview evening she has arranged for the Goodies fan community (which includes special guest Tim Brooke-Taylor opening the Exhibition).  Please visit the Member Announcements area of our forums for more details about the evening.

Posted by lisa at 23/06/2011 15:29 GMT
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Happy New Year!
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubHappy New Year, everyone!  Hope it's a great one!

Posted by lisa at 01/01/2011 03:57 GMT
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Happy Christmas, Everyone!
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubHappy Christmas from The Goodies Rule - OK! Fan Club

Posted by lisa at 24/12/2010 20:23 GMT
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Happy 15th Anniversary GROK!
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubJust a little note to say it is The Goodies Rule - OK! 15th anniversary! 

We're so pleased it coincides with the new DVD release and other Goodies happenings this month. 

Posted by lisa at 12/11/2010 22:21 GMT
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Welcome to our new members and visitors!
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubWelcome to those of you who are new to the site!  Feel free to look around - some features you may enjoy include our news section, fan forums, back issues of our monthly newsletter (The Clarion & Globe), illustrated episode guide (in the Articles & Guides section), "just for fun" poll, etc. 

We hope you'll want to join in the fun - membership to the club (including an email subscription to our newsletter) is free!  Full details about joining can be found in our FAQ.

Posted by lisa at 20/07/2010 22:32 GMT
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Welcome to our new members and visitors!
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubWelcome to those of you who are new to the site!  Feel free to look around - some features you may enjoy include our news section, fan forums, back issues of our monthly newsletter (The Clarion & Globe), illustrated episode guide (in the Articles & Guides section), "just for fun" poll, etc. 

We hope you'll want to join in the fun - membership to the club (including an email subscription to our newsletter) is free!  Full details about joining can be found in our FAQ.

Posted by lisa at 11/07/2009 00:00 GMT
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Welcome to our new members and visitors!
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubWelcome to those of you who are new to the site!  Feel free to look around - some features you may enjoy include our news section, fan forums, back issues of our monthly newsletter (The Clarion & Globe), illustrated episode guide (in the Articles & Guides section), "just for fun" poll, etc. 

We hope you'll want to join in the fun - membership to the club (including an email subscription to our newsletter) is free!  Full details about joining can be found in our FAQ.

Posted by lisa at 08/05/2009 00:00 GMT
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Goodies fan artwork on auction for Comic Relief
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubFan club member Jenny_Gibbon has produced a Goody painting that will be auctioned on eBay to benefit Comic Relief.  The auction beings on Monday, 4th May at 20.00.  The eBay listing, once active, will be at 

You can also view the painting on Jenny_Gibbon's website at

Posted by lisa at 02/05/2009 00:00 GMT
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Holiday T-Shirt sale!
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubVisit the Club T-Shirts page ( to see details about our holiday sale on Goodies t-shirts!  Check out the special holiday pricing and the "get them before they're gone!" clearance items!

Posted by lisa at 09/12/2008 00:00 GMT
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new members - remember to activate your account
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubIf you've recently registered on the website, please note that a confirmation message will be sent to the email address you provide.  You'll need to click on a link in that message to complete your registration on the site (which will allow you to post messages in the forums, comment on news items & in the polls, create a journal, etc.)

If you encounter any problems please let us know at

Instructions for joining the club and registering on the site (which is free) can be found in our FAQ.

Posted by lisa at 01/07/2008 00:30 GMT
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deadline for submitting a question to Tim & Graeme for C&G #150
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubPlease note there is an April 20th deadline for submitting questions to Tim & Graeme for the Q&A to be printed in the May edition of the Goodies Clarion & Globe newsletter.

If you've got some questions about The Goodies, ISIHAC, Tim and Graeme's other solo projects, etc. to which you'd like to receive a genuine Goodie answer send them to

Posted by lisa at 08/04/2008 00:00 GMT
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Welcome to our new members and visitors!
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubWelcome to those of you who are new to the site!  Feel free to look around - some features you may enjoy include our news section, fan forums, back issues of our monthly newsletter (The Clarion & Globe), illustrated episode guide (in the Articles & Guides section), "just for fun" poll, etc. 

We hope you'll want to join in the fun - membership to the club (including an email subscription to our newsletter) is free!  Full details about joining can be found in our FAQ.

Posted by lisa at 16/01/2008 00:00 GMT
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Goodies t-shirt sale
more from same (The Fan Club)

The Festive season is over for another year and it's time for the post-Christmas sales.

The Goodies Rule - OK! Fan Club is in the process of reorganising and updating our T-shirt lines, so are having a sale to help make the inventory job a little easier!

Come and grab a bargain - maybe a late Christmas present or early Valentine's Day gift for the Goodies fan in your life...


We're in the process of changing our T-shirt stock to a new brand and  need to clear some old stock in a selected range of sizes and styles.

The sale men's shirts are $18.00 each or 2 for $30 (+ postage)
(Postage will be $4.50 regular or $6.50 Express for 1 or 2 shirts)

LIMITED STOCK - please e-mail Merchandise Officer, Richard Nolan ( to confirm stock before ordering.

AVAILABILITY (any sizes/styles not shown here are NOT part of the sale!! (but are available for purchase - see below!))
Style 1:  S, M
Style 2:  XS, S
Style 3:  XS, S, M, L
Style 5:  XS, S, M, L, XXL(120cm)


The men's tight-fit shirts are to be discontinued, so all remaining stock must go! $7.50 each (+ postage) (Postage will be $4.50 regular or $6.50 Express for 1 or 2 shirts)

LIMITED STOCK - once these are gone, that's it!
Please e-mail our Merchandise Officer, Richard Nolan  ( to confirm stock before ordering.

AVAILABILITY (anything not shown here is sold out)
Style 5:  XL, XXL
Red (with blue 'The Goodies' logo):  M, L, XL


We have a small number of 'old stock' women's shirts to clear pending  the arrival of new shirts in the coming weeks. To clear the last of the current shirts, we're selling all remaining  women's shirts for $7.50 each (+ postage) (Postage will be $4.50 regular or $6.50 Express for 1 or 2 shirts)

Please e-mail our Merchandise Officer, Richard Nolan  ( to confirm shirts are in stock before ordering.

AVAILABLIITY (anything not shown here is sold out!)
Style 3:  S, M, L
Style 5:  XL, XXL
Green:    XS

Posted by lisa at 13/01/2008 20:00 GMT
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new members - remember to activate your account
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubIf you've recently registered on the website, please note that a confirmation message will be sent to the email address you provide.  You'll need to click on that link to complete your registration on the site (which will allow you to post messages in the forums, comment on news items & in the polls, create a journal, etc.)

If you encounter any problems please let us know at

Instructions for joining the club and registering on the site (which is free) can be found in our FAQ.

Posted by lisa at 18/12/2007 00:00 GMT
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Welcome to our new members and visitors!
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubWelcome to those of you who are new to the site!  Feel free to look around - some features you may enjoy include our news section, fan forums, back issues of our monthly newsletter (The Clarion & Globe), illustrated episode guide (in the Articles & Guides section), "just for fun" poll, etc. 

We hope you'll want to join in the fun - membership to the club (including an email subscription to our newsletter) is free!  Full details about joining can be found in our FAQ.

Posted by lisa at 30/11/2007 13:00 GMT
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Holiday T-shirt Ordering Deadlines & Specials
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubWe've updated the Club T-shirts page to show our holiday specials as well as the deadlines for ordering shirts for receipt by Christmas.

Posted by lisa at 12/11/2007 13:10 GMT
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GROK launches YouTube channel
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubThe latest service being offered by the fan club is a YouTube channel; it can be found at:

We've started off with a half dozen clips (including Linda Kay's amazing Goodies Can-Can video and other compilations) and will gradually add new items.  If you check it out let us know what you think!

Posted by lisa at 05/07/2007 00:00 GMT
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ISIRTA episode guide added to the Articles section
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubThe latest addition to our Articles/Guides section (accessible from the Menu on the upper-left of the page) is an I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again episode guide.  You'll also find the most recent issue of our monthly newsletter, The Clarion & Globe, plus lots of other fun stuff.

Posted by lisa at 26/06/2007 00:00 GMT
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Welcome to our new members and visitors!
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubWelcome to those of you who are new to the site!  Feel free to look around - some features you may enjoy include our news section, fan forums, back issues of our monthly newsletter (The Clarion & Globe), illustrated episode guide (in the Articles & Guides section), "just for fun" poll, etc. 

We hope you'll want to join in the fun - membership to the club (including an email subscription to our newsletter) is free!  Full details about joining can be found in our FAQ.

Posted by lisa at 18/06/2007 00:00 GMT
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new items added to club t-shirt sale!
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubWe've expanded the selection of clearance items in our t-shirt sale!  Besides selected women's style shirts we've added two different styles of men's tight-fit shirts. 

Check out the sale, plus our regular line of shirts, on our Club T-Shirts page.

Posted by lisa at 30/04/2007 00:00 GMT
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club t-shirt sale extended!
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubDue to the terrific response to our holiday sale, we've decided to extend it through the month of January.  In addition, we're offering a further discount on select women's style shirts.  Why not take advantage of the additional time to get a Goodies t-shirt in time for the March-April UK Goodies shows?

Full details are available at

Posted by lisa at 07/01/2007 02:00 GMT
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Welcome to our new members and visitors!
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubWelcome to those of you who are new to the site (perhaps having found us after hearing about the Goodies Still Rule OK! UK tour). 

Some features you might enjoy (and which can be accessed from the Menu on the left side of this page) are our fan forums and back issues of the club's newsletter (the Clarion & Globe).  Information about available Goodies DVDs can be found in our FAQ.  You may also wish to see the t-shirts we have for sale.  Feel free to participate in our monthly "just for fun" poll (on the right side of the page). 

In our club FAQ you'll find information about getting a free membership to the club (yes, free!), which entitles you to an emailed copy of the monthly newsletter. You can also find out how to sign up for the club mailing list. Just click on "FAQ" in the menu and then select "The Club" from the list of FAQ topics on the next screen.

Please note that we're in the process of upgrading the site.  Watch for updates from our webmaster, zaphod, about fixes to the small issues that cropped up during the upgrade.  Feel free to post comments, questions, or suggestions related to the upgrade in the "Suggestions" forum.

Posted by lisa at 22/12/2006 01:00 GMT
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reminder: final days of our t-shirt sale!
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubJust a reminder that there are only a few days left in our holiday t-shirt sale.  Check out the special pricing and our selection of Goodies t-shirts (perfect for anyone going to see the Goodies live shows in March & April!) by clicking the "Club T-Shirts" link in the menu (or by going to

Posted by lisa at 22/12/2006 00:00 GMT
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Reminder: Holiday Sale on Club T-shirts
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubHoliday Sale on Club T-shirts

Just a reminder about the sale on the club t-shirts, just in time for the holiday season! Why not buy a t-shirt (or three) for those special Goodies fans on your shopping list?


Between now and December 25th the following pricing is in effect:

* 1 shirt for $25 (plus postage)
* 2 shirts for $40 (plus postage)
* 3 shirts for $55 (plus postage)

You can mix & match between the different sizes & styles available on our t-shirt page (


Between now and December 25th, all L, XL, and XXL Women's Style shirts are specially priced at $15 each (plus postage).  Available styles can be viewed at  In addition to these, we have some Women's Style Shirts in emerald green with the same design as style 3.


* Australian Orders:
Postage for 1-2 shirts is $4.50 regular; $6.50 Express; $9.00 Registered. 
For 3+ shirts: $8.00 Regular; $9.50 Express; $13.00 Registered

We strongly suggest the use of Express Post where possible to ensure prompt delivery.  Express Post is available to most Australian destinations (except Western Australia outside Perth, the Northern Territory and northern QLD).  Australia Post (,1080,CH2432%257EMO19,00.html) has a complete list of postcodes serviced by the Express Post network.

* Outside Australia:
Please contact for a price.


If you want to receive your order by Christmas we suggest the following deadlines.  Please remember that orders cannot be shipped until your payment has been received and cheques have cleared.

    - Orders to be shipped to Australian addresses - cutoff date for pre-Christmas orders is Friday, December 15th 

    - Orders to be shipped outside of Australia - cutoff date for pre-Christmas orders is Friday, December 8th


Australian Orders:  Where possible, when ordering please include 2nd choices and a daytime contact phone number to avoid delays, as stock can run out at this time of year.


Contact Richard Nolan, the Club Merchandise Officer, at with any questions about pricing, postage, etc.

Posted by lisa at 25/11/2006 00:00 GMT
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Holiday Sale on Club T-shirts
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubHoliday Sale on Club T-shirts

We're pleased to announce an extra-special sale on the club t-shirts, just in time for the holiday season! Why not buy a t-shirt (or three) for those special Goodies fans on your shopping list?


Between now and December 25th the following pricing is in effect:

* 1 shirt for $25 (plus postage)
* 2 shirts for $40 (plus postage)
* 3 shirts for $55 (plus postage)

You can mix & match between the different sizes & styles available on our t-shirt page (


Between now and December 25th, all L, XL, and XXL Women's Style shirts are specially priced at $15 each (plus postage).  Available styles can be viewed at  In addition to these, we have some Women's Style Shirts in emerald green with the same design as style 3.


* Australian Orders:
Postage for 1-2 shirts is $4.50 regular; $6.50 Express; $9.00 Registered. 
For 3+ shirts: $8.00 Regular; $9.50 Express; $13.00 Registered

We strongly suggest the use of Express Post where possible to ensure prompt delivery.  Express Post is available to most Australian destinations (except Western Australia outside Perth, the Northern Territory and northern QLD).  Australia Post (,1080,CH2432%257EMO19,00.html) has a complete list of postcodes serviced by the Express Post network.

* Outside Australia:
Please contact for a price.


If you want to receive your order by Christmas we suggest the following deadlines.  Please remember that orders cannot be shipped until your payment has been received and cheques have cleared.

    - Orders to be shipped to Australian addresses - cutoff date for pre-Christmas orders is Friday, December 15th 

    - Orders to be shipped outside of Australia - cutoff date for pre-Christmas orders is Friday, December 8th


Australian Orders:  Where possible, when ordering please include 2nd choices and a daytime contact phone number to avoid delays, as stock can run out at this time of year.


Contact Richard Nolan, the Club Merchandise Officer, at with any questions about pricing, postage, etc.

Posted by lisa at 10/11/2006 00:00 GMT
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4,000 members and going strong!
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubI'm pleased to announce that the club has passed the 4,000 member mark! 

Welcome to all our new members.  Hope you're enjoying the club!

In case you haven't found them yet, some features you might enjoy are our fan forums, articles section, and back issues of the club's newsletter (the Clarion & Globe).  Information about available Goodies DVDs can be found in our FAQ.  You may also wish to see the t-shirts we have for sale.  All of these pages can be accessed from the Menu on the left side of this page except for the Forums, which temporary can be reached from the Forum Shortcuts box on the right side just under our montly "just for fun" poll.

In our club FAQ you'll find information about getting signing up to receive an emailed copy of the monthly newsletter and how to join the club mailing list. Just click on "FAQ" in the menu and then select "The Club" from the list of FAQ topics on the next screen.

Posted by lisa at 24/10/2006 00:00 GMT
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forum temporary fix
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubI'm reposting this information from about two weeks ago to put it back on the main page.

Due to a problem with the forum main page zaphod has set up a temporary fix by adding the forum links to a sidebox (on the right side of the page - just under the Poll).

Please note that individual forums are working fine.  You just need to visit the individual forums using the shortcuts rather than trying to click the "Forum" link in the menu.

Apologies for the inconvenience; we are working on a solution to the technical problem.

Posted by lisa at 20/10/2006 00:00 GMT
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Welcome to our new members and visitors!
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubWelcome to those of you who are new to the site (perhaps having found us after learning about the Goodies' UK shows at the Edinburgh Fringe and in Brighton). 

Some features you might enjoy (and which can be accessed from the Menu on the left side of this page) are our fan forums and back issues of the club's newsletter (the Clarion & Globe).  Information about available Goodies DVDs can be found in our FAQ.  You may also wish to see the t-shirts we have for sale.  Feel free to participate in our monthly "just for fun" poll (on the right side of the page). 

In our club FAQ you'll find information about getting a free membership to the club (yes, free!), which entitles you to an emailed copy of the monthly newsletter. You can also find out how to sign up for the club mailing list. Just click on "FAQ" in the menu and then select "The Club" from the list of FAQ topics on the next screen.

Posted by lisa at 07/09/2006 00:00 GMT
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3,900 and going strong!
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubThe Goodies Rule - OK! Fan Club now has over 3,900 members! 

Many thanks to those who have been with us over the years and welcome to all those who have joined us more recently.

Posted by lisa at 07/08/2006 00:00 GMT
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Welcome to our new members and visitors!
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubWelcome to those of you who are new to the site (perhaps having found us after learning about the Goodies' upcoming show at the Edinburgh Fringe). 

Some features you might enjoy (and which can be accessed from the Menu on the left side of this page) are our fan forums and back issues of the club's newsletter (the Clarion & Globe).  Information about available Goodies DVDs can be found in our FAQ.  You may also wish to see the t-shirts we have for sale.  Feel free to participate in our monthly "just for fun" poll (on the right side of the page). 

In our club FAQ you'll find information about getting a free membership to the club (yes, free!), which entitles you to an emailed copy of the monthly newsletter. You can also find out how to sign up for the club mailing list. Just click on "FAQ" in the menu and then select "The Club" from the list of FAQ topics on the next screen.

Posted by lisa at 19/06/2006 00:00 GMT
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getting Goodies t-shirts in time for Edinburgh
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubWant to get a Goodies t-shirt to wear to the Edinburgh shows?  The club recently restocked its inventory of t-shirts.  Check out our selection and get ordering information by clicking on the Club T-Shirts link in the menu (or by going to

It's best to have your order shipped by mid-July for the maximum chance of having it in time for the first Edinburgh shows.

Playbill Merchandise still has some Goodies t-shirts that were sold at the Australian tours (and they do ship internationally).  Check out their stock by clicking the link in the Tour Merchandise box to the right.

Posted by lisa at 05/06/2006 00:00 GMT
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Welcome to our new members and visitors!
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubWelcome to those of you who are new to the site (perhaps having found us after viewing the Goodies repeat on BBC 2 earlier this evening). 

Some features you might enjoy (and which can be accessed from the Menu on the left side of this page) are our fan forums and back issues of the club's newsletter (the Clarion & Globe).  Information about available Goodies DVDs can be found in our FAQ.  You may also wish to see the t-shirts we have for sale.  Feel free to participate in our monthly "just for fun" poll (on the right side of the page). 

In our club FAQ you'll find information about getting a free membership to the club (yes, free!), which entitles you to an emailed copy of the monthly newsletter. You can also find out how to sign up for the club mailing list. Just click on "FAQ" in the menu and then select "The Club" from the list of FAQ topics on the next screen.

Posted by lisa at 04/03/2006 00:00 GMT
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February issue of the Clarion & Globe
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubThere appears to have been a problem with this month's mailing of the Clarion & Globe newsletter (issue #123).  We hope to correct that within the next few days.  In the meantime, the issue is available on the website at

Posted by lisa at 22/02/2006 00:00 GMT
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problems with convention survey
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubWe've been having a little trouble with the convention survey due to some flakiness on the Geocities site.  If you've had any trouble submitting your response please feel free to email the info to  To see the survey questions use the "click here for more" link at the bottom of this box.

Due to the technical difficulties we're extending the response date to March 15th.

Posted by lisa at 07/02/2006 00:00 GMT
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feedback sought for convention survey
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubThe club is interested in organizing a follow-up to the highly successful Kitten Kon convention; we're tentatively calling it "Kitten Kon 2 - 2001 and a Bit".  To get things going, mazzanda has kindly created a survey which can be found at - your responses will help us to gauge interest in the proposed event. Please respond to the survey by February 20, 2006.

We'd also welcome suggestions for fundraising; please feel free to either write them in the comments section of the survey or to email them to

Posted by lisa at 02/02/2006 00:00 GMT
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publishing dates for this month's C&Gs
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubC&G Editor Brett Allender asked me to pass along the news that he hopes to send out the Tour edition on Dec 15th.  The regular December issue of the newsletter should be ready around December 20th.

If you want to submit a contribution for the Tour edition please email it to within the next day or two.

Posted by lisa at 12/12/2005 16:02 GMT
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deadline for Christmas orders of club t-shirts
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubAs stated on the Club T-Shirts page please note that all orders for Christmas must be received by no later than Friday, December 16th; we cannot guarantee pre-Christmas delivery of orders placed after that date. 

It's best to order early to ensure you get the styles and sizes you want.  At present almost all sizes are in stock. 

You can find further details about ordering and availability by using the "Club T-Shirts" link in the menu on the left side of the page (or by clicking this link -

If you're planning to order any of the Goodies tour merchandise (which includes t-shirts, baseball caps, the tour program, pins, keyrings, BBQ aprons, pot holders, magnets, etc.) please consider supporting the club by using the link in the "Tour Merchandise" box on the right side of the page.

Posted by lisa at 11/12/2005 07:00 GMT
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how to join the club
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubHere's an excerpt from our FAQ for anyone interested in joining the Goodies Rule - OK! fan club:

Online membership is free. Currently there are three separate parts to online membership. 

1. To subscribe to our newsletter (The Clarion & Globe) all you have to do is send an empty email to and reply to the confirmation email.  You will be added to club's mailing list and will receive our newsletter every month.

2. To join the goodies-l mailing list send a blank email to and reply to the confirmation email.

3.  For website registration just click on the "Register - it's free!" link in the Login box on the left-hand side of the page, fill in the form and activate your account.

Posted by lisa at 31/08/2005 00:00 GMT
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the club is mentioned in The Courier-Mail
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubA column by Rebecca Sparrow in today's Courier-Mail talks about several internet based fan clubs, including The Goodies Rule - OK!.  The article can be found online at,5936,16390406%255E7642,00.html

Welcome to everyone visiting the site as a result of reading about us in the article!  You might enjoy visiting our fan forums, checking out our news sections, and reading past issues of our newsletter (The Clarion & Globe).  Information about joining the club (it's free!) can be found in the FAQ.

Posted by lisa at 27/08/2005 00:00 GMT
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Please send Goodies inquiries to the club, not Big Laugh Productions
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubA number of fans have mentioned writing to John Pinder or Big Laugh Productions (the producers of the Goodies live show in Australia) with Goodies-related questions.  It'd be best if you sent such questions to the club.  While the folks at Big Laugh are very nice they're also incredibly busy working on other projects; they're also not the right people to ask about things such as Goodies DVDs.  Feel free to send any Goodies questions to me (at or use the "Contact Us" function on this site); I'll do my best to answer them. 

At present we don't know if the Goodies will do any additional live shows (finding time in all their schedules is a big problem in itself).  However, if any future shows are planned the club will spread the news as soon as it becomes available.

Posted by lisa at 16/04/2005 04:00 GMT
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further comments about live shows welcome for next C&G
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubWe're working on the next edition of the club newsletter (which will be published around 12 April).  If you have contributions about the Goodies' recent appearances in Australia that you weren't able to submit in time for the special tour edition please feel free to send them in for the April issue (we've already got a couple of tour related items).  Send all contributions to

Posted by lisa at 02/04/2005 00:00 GMT
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Welcome Newcomers!
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubI know a lot of new people have stumbled across this site because of the Goodies live shows in Australia - welcome!

You may enjoy visiting our fan forums, looking at past issues of our newsletter (the Clarion & Globe), or seeing the t-shirts we have for sale (see the links in the Menu box to the left).  You can also participate in our monthly "just for fun" poll (on the right side of the page). 

Instructions for signing up to receive our montly newsletter by email and for joining the goodies-l mailing list can be found by going to our FAQ section and looking at the FAQ for "The Club".  Signing up for these services, or registering to post on the website, are all free!

Posted by lisa at 25/03/2005 00:00 GMT
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comments about live shows sought for special edition of the C&G
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubThere will be a special edition of the Clarion & Globe (the club newsletter) dedicated to 'The Goodies Still Alive On Stage' Australian tour.  The special edition should be delivered by pirate post office within the next fortnight.

As part of this special edition we'd like to publish your feedback about the stage show. If you were fortunate enough to be in the audience at Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra or Brisbane please send your comments to

Posted by lisa at 12/03/2005 00:00 GMT
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Welcome Newcomers!
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubI know a lot of new people have stumbled across this site since hearing about the Goodies upcoming appearances in Australia - welcome!

You may enjoy visiting our fan forums, looking at past issues of our newsletter (the Clarion & Globe), or seeing the t-shirts we have for sale (see the links in the Menu box to the left).  You can also participate in our monthly "just for fun" poll (on the right side of the page). 

Instructions for signing up to receive our montly newsletter by email and for joining the goodies-l mailing list can be found by going to our FAQ section and looking at the FAQ for "The Club".

Posted by lisa at 23/02/2005 00:00 GMT
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Welcome Newcomers!
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubI know a lot of new people have stumbled across this site since hearing about the Goodies upcoming appearances in Australia - welcome!

You may enjoy visiting our fan forums and looking at past issues of our newsletter, the Clarion & Globe (see the links in the Menu box to the left). You can also participate in our monthly "just for fun" poll (on the right side of the page).

Instructions for signing up to receive our montly newsletter by email and for joining the goodies-l mailing list can be found by going to our FAQ section and looking at the FAQ for "The Club".

Posted by lisa at 10/12/2004 00:00 GMT
1 Comments Email Print

Clarion & Globe in PDF format
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubHaving had a few spare minutes yesterday I've converted a whole stack of the previous issues of the club's newsletter, The Goodies Clarion & Globe, into PDF format. They can be found in the Documents section of the menu. Some of the formatting isn't quite up to scratch, but I thought it wasn't such a bad start.

Posted by zaphod at 18/10/2002 00:00 GMT
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Clarion & Globe Newsletter
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubJust a notice regarding the Poll from last month. It seems that most people wanted to still get the newsletter via email each month, so I am enabling a subscription only mailing list for the distribution. This means that people will need to subscribe to the list themselves, and to confirm their email address before the newsletter will be emailed to them.

Posted by zaphod at 09/07/2002 00:00 GMT
0 Comments Email Printclick here for more...

T-Shirts Galore!
more from same (The Fan Club)
The Fan ClubThe long-awaited new T-Shirt designs are here.

Posted by zaphod at 03/06/2002 00:00 GMT
1 Comments Email Printclick here for more...

Goody Calendar 
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23 24 25 26 27 28 01
02 03 04 05 06 07 08
09 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28 29

An Audience With The Goodies DVD 
Order Here.

Clarion and Globe  
Latest Newsletters:

* C&G 241 February 2022
* C&G 240 October 2021
* C&G 239 September 2021

Back issues are available in our Articles and Guides section

Other Online Goodies Resources 
* The Goodies Podcast
* The Goodies Pirate Podcast

Goodies' Official Sites:
* Bill Oddie's official website
* Official I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue website

Other Fan Sites:
* The Goodies Facebook Page
* The Goodies Illustrated Guide

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