Welcome to our new members and visitors! 07/09/2006 00:00 GMT
Posted by lisa Welcome to those of you who are new to the site (perhaps having found us after learning about the Goodies' UK shows at the Edinburgh Fringe and in Brighton).
Some features you might enjoy (and which can be accessed from the Menu on the left side of this page) are our fan forums and back issues of the club's newsletter (the Clarion & Globe). Information about available Goodies DVDs can be found in our FAQ. You may also wish to see the t-shirts we have for sale. Feel free to participate in our monthly "just for fun" poll (on the right side of the page).
In our club FAQ you'll find information about getting a free membership to the club (yes, free!), which entitles you to an emailed copy of the monthly newsletter. You can also find out how to sign up for the club mailing list. Just click on "FAQ" in the menu and then select "The Club" from the list of FAQ topics on the next screen. |