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The Fan Club

Welcome Newcomers!
25/03/2005 00:00 GMT

Posted by lisa

I know a lot of new people have stumbled across this site because of the Goodies live shows in Australia - welcome!

You may enjoy visiting our fan forums, looking at past issues of our newsletter (the Clarion & Globe), or seeing the t-shirts we have for sale (see the links in the Menu box to the left).  You can also participate in our monthly "just for fun" poll (on the right side of the page). 

Instructions for signing up to receive our montly newsletter by email and for joining the goodies-l mailing list can be found by going to our FAQ section and looking at the FAQ for "The Club".  Signing up for these services, or registering to post on the website, are all free!

Email Print

NO, thank you.
      I only got onto your web sight from watching them on fox today and my 6 yearold said to look you lot up so low and behold here I am, and very glad to be part of it I can tell you.

                                                          geoff probert.
Posted by:geoff


date: 12/03/2005 22:27 GMT
I live in Japan and haven't been exposed much to any Goodies hype for the four years since I arrived, and quite a few years before then back in Oz. Last I saw any of the Goodies on T.V was Tim Brooke Taylor on the "Panel" hell knows how long ago.(without assuming that everybody reading this is Australian I'll just mention that the Panel is -was?- an interview/grill the media style program hosted by comedians). But I have a deep and profound respect for the Goodies, they are completely responsible for my staunch beliefs regarding jam, vegetarians, horse racing, medical science, beanstalks and shows that are appropriate for viewing before "Doctor Who". ("The Ghost and Mrs Muir" had difficulty getting their fan club off the ground, I believe). Anyway I discovered this site thanks to Tazza, who's also an Aussie living in Japan, and she knows lots of stuff about the internet and everything, so cheers Tazz, you're really choice.
Posted by:wombatman


date: 13/03/2005 15:06 GMT
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Other Online Goodies Resources 
* The Goodies Podcast
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Goodies' Official Sites:
* Bill Oddie's official website
* Official I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue website

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