God I'm knackered. Had a cold which turned into flu which has dampened down to a cold again. I had 2 offers to go out tonight, but I'm too sleepy and I'vr got a constatnat sore throat, headache and bad back. Not been out much. Not since I went to that Geezer gig. I didn't like the atmos of the place and scarpered to a much more fun pub with nice people in. The arts meeting went on all day. A great model for a waste of lots of money. A room in the Art Gallery in Walsall (which is losing money daily) and far too much food on the catering department. Lot's of words, a bit of arty stuff going on, but ultimately nowt happened. Let's pressure the gallery to put on anexhibition of disabled arts. I won't lie awake waiting for it. Halfway through storyboarding, can't carry on. There's an unclear bit, is he wearing the scuba suit at this point? Not been able to contact the boss so it's on hold. Been concentrating on getting people's DVDs done, it's like a part time job keeping track of it all. If anyone's waiting for emails, I apologise profusely, I'm getting there. I've also started making a bit of money on the net, which'll come in handy. Only peanuts at mo, but t'is the start of something good, me reckons. Something cheered me up at the weekend. I found a tape of murder stories (1 by Mr Oddie). I've been looking for it fir ages. it was at Rog's place under a table. It pays to tidy up sometimes ( it's how me back got back again though). Tickets for ISIHAC go on sale 9.30 at the Hippodrome, I'll be there in person at 10.00. Those tickets are mine!!! On the night i'll be seeing the Big Bren combo, so a good day all round, and he is pretty round at that.
I haven't forgotten about Aunty Jack for you Edna, the dude with the burner has pinged off on holidays and won't be back for another 2weeks. Rotten sod, having holidays and going away when I gotta stay here and friggin' work!! I am dead jealous about your ISIHAC tickets by the way, be a pal and get us a blow by blow (bad choice of words) description of the night!!! Tim and Grae LIVE!!! ooooooshake ! makes me want to take Charles Atlas by the......hand! (best frank n' furter voice)
Just doing a bunch for a bloke in Austria! Then I'll get back to you and i think i owe Clair an email too. Then therre's a bloke called jeffers (plus a special disc for Jodes Heh!)