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i_luv_tbt_he_roks's Journal |
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2006-03-25 09:59:09 |
I've Been a LITLLE busy... |
i_luv_tbt_he_roks |
Hey everyone! I haven't been on here in ages! School has been very fun, but tiring and VERY busy at the same time... I've also been doing a lot of stuff with friends aswell, it's also hard because I've got about 3 or 4 different groups of friends!!! Well, I have been to about 3 parties in 4 weeks/weekends, and now that I get closer to my holidays, I CAN'T WAIT!! I AM SO TIRED, I NEED TO CATCH UP ON MY REST!! Hehe. Although, I have got another party to go to in the holidays aswell... What's with all the people and their birthdays in March/April!?! Anyway, how is everyone else? You all enjoying school/work??  Oh! And my puppy is going fine! She is getting bigger and stronger. (She used to jump off this little wall that we have at my house, and she would hurt herself, but now she can land on her feet and NOT get hurt, by the way, when she would jump off the wall, it would be too late to go and save her.. Hehe, and also it's on grass, so it cushions her fall a little bit.) Anyway, so she is happy and well, but I think she has a little bit of a cold at the moment.. She seems to be sneezing quite a lot.. Well, I better be off, I also better start writing a few more journals now! I have to catch up to the other people!! Bye bye !!!
Cheers, Alexandra
Mood - Happy, happy, happy!
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