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i_luv_tbt_he_roks's Journal
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2006-01-24 23:04:34
Just a few days away...
In a few days I'm going back to school! *Doh! Not School again! I've got another four bloody years of it left too! Well, I had to go to my school today, to collect my text books, and buy some more new uniform, and guess what?! WE HAVE TO WEAR GOOFY BLACK SHOES THIS YEAR! Can you picture someone wearing a dress with big black goofy shoes?! It will look so bad.. I'm probably making a bit too bigger deal out of this, but I don't want to look silly at school. That's just what I think anyway.. Well, I also got my student ID card, for borrowing books and all that type of stuff, and I look soooooo bad in that photo! Haha, why do those photos for drivers' licenses, student cards, etc. have to look so bad?! I think it's just Murphey's Law (isn't that what some people say? )
I love the holidays, you'd think there is so much to do, which there is, but most of the time your parents don't let you do something i.e. go to the movies with your friends. So by the time the holidays end, you get kindof bored, and you actually slightly WANT to go back to school, because at least you've got something to do. Although, when you're at school, you can't wait 'till the weekend, or the holidays again. Am I right? I'm really confusing myself here, so I think I'll stop myself from rambling on about school... So I better be off, seeya everyone!


Mood - Excited in some way
Music -
Edited -

Oh,i know what you mean-i used to have to wear BIG BLACK goofy shoes too.At least you can take solace in the fact that everyone else will have to wear BIG BLACK GOOFY SHOES as well,and you can all look utterly GOOFY together.Brilliant.What an attractive bunch you'll be  .Used to feel like i had big boats on my feet because i had size 9 feet.I know everyone says this sort of thing-but it's because it's true-school days really are some of the best days of your life-it really doesn't get any better than that-hanging out and laughing with your friends and all that-enjoy every second of it because you'll never have this kind of freedom again.I wish i was starting back at school in a week    .
Posted by:daftbird


date: 24/01/2006 23:31 GMT
Big black shoes look alright with dresses once you get used to the daggyness of it all. I used to wear Dr. Martens, and the inside of the shoes were orange, so eventually all my school socks would turn orange. It was a very attractive look. Each new pair of socks you bought would eventually turn orange in some way. But, phwoar, they were so comfy! Half of me is dancing around going "ha ha, I don't have to go back to school" (at least that's the dance I show my brother, who will suffer this fate), but half of me is going "damn, I wish I was there" because, as daftbird said, it doesn't get much better than bumming around with your friends and having fun. Doesn't happen nearly as much when you leave school because you're not forced to see people every day. I'm amazed at how much the drunkeness rate drops once people hit 18. It's like they're just not interested anymore once it's legal! hehehe
Posted by:mazzanda


date: 25/01/2006 00:57 GMT
My Mum surprisingly enough told me her very best photo has been on her drivers licence!
Posted by:ek


date: 25/01/2006 10:34 GMT
Trent had to get his passport re-done when we were in Japan (because his passport got accidentally washed). It was the funniest thing trying to get his photo taken in one of those booth things where it was all written in Kanji script and there was a voice saying things in Japanese. Trent had no idea what was going on and was just randomly pressing buttons. I was no help because I was outside the booth pissing myself laughing!!  Anyway, it turned out to be a really good photo! And it is now in his passport.

We wore T-Bars at school. Well one of my schools. The other school was pretty slack with the uniform so we could wear any shoes which were blue or white. We mostly wore sneakers.

I don't miss school at all. I never have. I've enjoyed my twenties much better than any other time. Not that I hated school or anything like that.  I'm just having more fun now than I had then.
Posted by:AC


date: 25/01/2006 20:15 GMT
Hey daftbird - Yea, I guess you're right, about all of us looking goofy together! Also, I feel like my feet are huge, because I'm just say about five foot one or two or something like that, and my foot size is about 9!

Hey mazzanda - I know what you mean, my white socks always turn out a different colour, I remember once when I was painting, somehow I spilt blue paint on my socks (I had shoes on aswell!) And so I had blue socks! Haha

Hey ek and AC - Most of the people at my school, all hate their own passports, even though they aren't that bad anyway! (I guess that's just how teenagers are?? ) So many people tell me how much they love school and to cherish every minute of it, but also lots of people say they don't like it! I'M SO CONFUSED!! !!!!
Ah well, I'll just hate the homework, but love p.e., art, drama, etc. (all the good subjects) and also hanging out/talking with my friends! Does that make sense? But ofcourse I'll still do my best in school!
Posted by:i_luv_tbt_he_roks


date: 25/01/2006 21:57 GMT
Dr martens are good for school got a pair in yr 10 and they lasted me 2 years compared to having to get new shoes every school year. I know how you feel Alexandra when you have to go back to school you just want the holidays to continue.
Posted by:RatDog


date: 26/01/2006 21:06 GMT
Yeah, my first pair of Dr Martens lasted 2 years, but my second pair lasted 4. Can't beat that. They cost a lot upfront, but are cheaper in the long run. Before that I went through school shoes almost every 6 months. I was one of those kids that did wild things
Posted by:mazzanda


date: 27/01/2006 01:08 GMT
Hehe, mazzanda, I know what you mean, I probably get a pair of new shows each year because somehow they always tend to get dirty very easily and start to come apart. Probably because I usually get those surfy brands which probably aren't that good, and also I usually get white shoes which attract dirt very easily. This year though, I'm going to have to get BLACK shoes, which won't show the dirt at all, but, the whole school are going to look GOOFY! By the way, what are Dr. Martens? Are they still sold nowa' (is that a word? ) days? And if they are where are they sold?
Posted by:i_luv_tbt_he_roks


date: 27/01/2006 11:07 GMT
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