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xdonna's Journal
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2006-01-22 03:48:11
We had a burglar alarm fitted yesterday. Two nice young men came round and did it for us. Oh boy what mess carpets up the bathroom cupboard emptied out and the boys rooms shelves and PCs having to be moved but what was worse they wanted us to move the bookcases in our bedroom!! This my not sound like much but they have been there screwed to the wall since we last decorated that room. Which was about 8 years ago! so it was with some disquiet as to what we would find we cleared them of books and moved them. I am very pleased that although there was a thick layer of dust there wasn't much else. I have cleaned it all up before we spent the late afternoon and early evening putting it all back. I did not feel like cooking so we went out to Chiquitos a Mexican restaurant. It was lovely and even the boys found something they liked Today I am still hoovering up and putting things back to normal.

Mood - tired
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Edited - Never

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