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i_luv_tbt_he_roks's Journal
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2006-01-21 11:20:11
I'm Knackered!!
Hello! Well, here's what's been happening over the past few days for me... (Not that much I might add.. Hehe)
  • A few days ago I went in my swimming pool and did sixty laps, non-stop!! I was so tired/knackered after that..
  • I also went to this street party in Adelaide for this bike riding competition thing that's going on down here at the moment, and it was so crowded, I could hardly move! Although I did get this really nice guava slushy thing, so I was happy!
  • My burn is getting worse.. Not that you really need to know that.. I don't think I have had any more bad luck, which is good, because I thought bad luck came in threes?!?
  • Nothing much else has been happening, although I did have a pool party yesterday with a lot of people, which was quite fun.. 
  • I've only got one more week of holidays left and then I have to go back to school, for year nine!!! I wonder what it's going to be like.. I'm also going to get a really big project that goes from year nine to year ten! But this year I'll try and be a good student because last year I would sometimes not pay that much attention to the teacher...



Mood - Anxious
Music -
Edited -

Ooh guava slushy sounds yummy! I wish I had one now. It's soooo hot!!  I'm sure you'll do fine in year nine (it even rhymes!)
Posted by:AC


date: 21/01/2006 18:01 GMT
Hehe, yea, I hope I'll do alright. If ever I'm in trouble I've got my family/teachers to help me out I guess.. I know what you mean about the weather, but at least I've got a pool, so thats always a good thing!
Posted by:i_luv_tbt_he_roks


date: 21/01/2006 21:30 GMT
Year 9 is a lot of fun. You can still get away with mucking around an awful lot. After that it's a lot of homework and study (yuck). The worst year is year 10. I still don't understand why that year of schooling exists, it's a waste of time. When you get there, tell me if you have that feeling on the first day of school Just think... only 4 more years and then you're free. I can tell you from here - it's excellent
Posted by:mazzanda


date: 21/01/2006 22:48 GMT
Sixty years. Blimey. Oh, I was in Yr 9 last year and it's not that hard! You'll do fine!
Posted by:ek


date: 22/01/2006 17:38 GMT
mazzanda - yea, I can't wait 'till I'm free, but I'm also missing being a young 'un as I get older... It's so weird.. I want to grow up, but I don't. How come year 10 is a waste of a year? I would've thought year 9 was a waste, because people said you just basically bludge the whole time, and it's really easy... Hmmm, I'm really confused now, hehe.. Yea, I'll pobably tell you how year ten is, once I'm there, but that's in another whole year!

ek - hopefully I'll do fine! But I guess I did pretty good last year, and people say that year nine is easier than year eight... So yea, I'll probably do good By the way, what do you mean by 'Sixty Years' ?

Posted by:i_luv_tbt_he_roks


date: 22/01/2006 21:51 GMT
Year 10 felt like year 9 pretty much. It just felt like a waste of a year. I didn't learn anything new, but then I was a smartypants Year 11 was the best year EVER.

You won't miss being a kid if you remain a kid at heart. You still grow up and have more responsibilities, but it doesn't mean you can't have fun. As long as you do what you want to do and be what you want to be (yyyeeeeaaahhhhh), you'll probably be having so much fun you won't realise that you're growing up. Once you're free and you feel like a kid in an adult world, you're doing alright
Posted by:mazzanda


date: 22/01/2006 22:15 GMT
I'm reasonably smart! But I thought exams started at year 11, well they do here, I don;t call that very fun... And yes, I will always stay a kid at heart, but I will always be responsible!
Posted by:i_luv_tbt_he_roks


date: 24/01/2006 00:02 GMT
I didn't like Year 11. I really struggled. But Year 12 was OK. Maybe I'm just weird though. 
I remember that weird feeling of wanting to grow up so I could be independent and do my own thing. But at the same time I wanted to stay young because I didn't like the weight of responsibilites on my shoulders. 
I still don't!
Posted by:AC


date: 24/01/2006 18:23 GMT
The best bit about Year 11 was the fact that teachers were somewhat stunned if you stayed on, and then they realised that you were actually serious about learning, despite the facade that they saw of you being a stupid young misfit. That year they actually started teaching us, and it was great. They actually started respecting us as people as well, instead of animals.
Posted by:mazzanda


date: 25/01/2006 01:01 GMT
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