Saw a disgusting sight on tuesday-a woman mowing grass in a really annoying fashion!!She would mow up the lawn and turn and go back the same way again.It really gave me the peedoodles to see it because up until now i thought it was only MEN who mowed in that way!!It stands to reason that if you keep going around-in a square-virtually without stopping-you get the mowing done in much less time instead of spending half the day TURNING THE MOWER AROUND!Everyone has their pet peeves-and for me this is definitely one of them.Just never thought i'd see the day when i saw a WOMAN doing it because i thought we were a little more logical than that.Illusion shattered!
Mood - feigning irritation for above entry
Music - i'm alive-jackson browne
I must admit, I believe I have done it both ways, but I can't remember why I did it either way...maybe it depended on the shape of the lawn, or what was at the ends, or something... or maybe, when I did it in long sweeps, with a turn at the end, it meant I kept having long strips to do, rather than ever decreasing squares... I can see why I'd do strips as opposed to squares...I also don't like mowing corners, I think. (It's a long time since I've had to mow.) So, there are logical reasons! Anyway, men just have a different thought process to doesn't mean that women don't's just that they often come up with a different conclusion.
Oh,janice-i meant too many commas in my own short comment-i hope you didn't think i meant in yours .i found out long ago that you don't "dis" an english teacher .
Hey daftbird you had me at digusting sight and women mowing - forget the fact that she was mowing back and forth and focus on the really important and most digusting part of that observation - That she was mowing at all..... What is the world coming too?
oh bondgirl,you're right!It's just a disgrace !! .I would re-marry if the person would do the mowing-and if they owned a whipper snipper-and would use it.At this age then,in summary,the prerequisites are "male and mows".That's it-hahaha .P.S.we should ALL be sitting on the verandah watching them mow,right? .
My mum told me never to learn how to mow because otherwise I would be made to do it because the man of the house couldn't be bothered. Aren't mums great?!