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i_luv_tbt_he_roks's Journal
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2006-01-09 20:45:17
A sad phone call..
A few minutes ago I just spoke to my bf, and it turns out that we had to break up after 16 weeks! (about 4 months I think). Well, it's kindof just a break from eachother... I was balling my eyes out! :'( I seriously could not stop crying! All I need now is just someone to talk to and cheer me up... Well, hope everyone else is having a good time, bye bye!


Mood - Very, very, VERY sad!!
Music -
Edited - Never

It's always hard breaking up. Just try and put a positive spin on it if you can, it will make you feel a lot better about things. It may just be that you need a few weeks or months away from one another, as many good relationships do. Smile it'll make you feel good.
Posted by:mazzanda


date: 09/01/2006 21:14 GMT
Hey mazzanda, thankyou so much for saying that, it has made me feel so much better I'm trying to be happy now and smile, it's just we had been together for 16 weeks! That is quite a long time, so it's quite hard..
Posted by:i_luv_tbt_he_roks


date: 09/01/2006 22:08 GMT
Sorry to hear Alex. But like Mazzanda says, you should try to look at the up-side if you can.  You might just find that you both needed a bit of space and after a while things will fall back into place.  My bf and I never actually broke up, but we've certainly had a few near misses over the years. But tomorrow we will have been together for nine-and-a-half years!! So of course it all worked out in the end!  I'm sure if will all work out well for you too, one way or another.
Posted by:AC


date: 10/01/2006 18:56 GMT
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