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i_luv_tbt_he_roks's Journal
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2006-01-06 21:02:52
Hey everybody! GUESS WHAT! Over one hundred people have viewed my journal!! I never thought that that many people would want to read it! I'm so happy

*Sigh , I've been so busy over the past few days, going to birthday parties, going shopping for presents for birthdays/also shopping for "Goodies" goodies (get it! "Goodies" because I got some "Goodies" related goodies!) Hmmm.. That confused me a bit! Haha!! But hopefully you understood what I just said. Some of the things that I got was a black Goodies t-shirt, a magnet, a pin and keyring. Today though, I searched seven secondhand bookshops, for some Goodies books. I came to this one store, which I thought would be the least likely to have what I wanted, because it was a sci-fi secondhand bookshop. And, I found "The Goodies File" !!! I was so releived in the end, because my legs started to hurt!! But I was also very happy because I found one of the Goodies books that I wanted. I was so tired after looking at all of those bookstores, but I still had one more thing to look for, that latest Goodies CD album that came out (in 2000) which is called "The Best of the Goodies". And so I got to the first shop that I looked at, and there it was! Anyway, I'm probably boring you with my truly 'fascinating' story... (It's boring for you, but it's fascinating for me!

Ok, I got to go now, thanks for listening (that's if you could be bothered reading this! ). Bye bye!


P.S. Yesterday I made this picture on "Paint". It's just lots of Goodies pics that I've collected, but I put them all into a collage thing! It took me quite a while aswell. Oh, and I guess I don't really need to say this, but I will anyway, the pic is usually bigger than it is in my journal, but I resized it so it could fit..
Here it is, Enjoy! :

Mood - GOOD!
Music - The Funky Gibbon (from my newest album!)
Edited -

Best place to look for Goodies books instead of hauling yourself all over the place would be ebay. They regularly come up there and are generally quite cheap. You can even find signed copies. Just be careful of the people who will sell you the book for a cheap price but have through-the-roof postage
Posted by:mazzanda


date: 06/01/2006 21:27 GMT
Hi mazzanda! Yea, I looked on ebay, but when I came across that book in the bookstore, I just thought to myself that I might aswell get it. It was reasonably cheap too, only $10, I didn't think that was too bad. There are some other books that I want to get from ebay though, but as you said, I'm afraid of buying something from someone who probably won't even send the book to me, and just keep my money!
Posted by:i_luv_tbt_he_roks


date: 06/01/2006 21:44 GMT
Love the collage Alex. Very cute!  Glad you were able to find some Goodies goodies.  I have a keyring which I bought from the March show. Some of the paint is wearing off it already. Possibly because I throw my keys around everywhere all the time. Or it could be because I used to play with it a lot to remind me of the Goodies and make me smile whenever I was feeling blue.
Posted by:AC


date: 06/01/2006 21:49 GMT
Thanks AC (for saying that my collage is good ) And once I get some keys, I'm going to put my Goodies keyring with them aswell But I'll make sure that none of the paint scratches off of it!
Posted by:i_luv_tbt_he_roks


date: 06/01/2006 22:08 GMT
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