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daftbird's Journal
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2006-01-04 11:32:12
a poser #2
Over breakfast this morning read the following daft thing in an old reader's digest.(I am in fact addicted to old reader's digests and get a jolly when ever i can get them at the op shop for 20 cents.But who cares about that.)

"If someone is addicted to eating christmas leftovers,can he quit cold turkey?"

i think there's something in that for everyone,don't you?  .

Mood - daftish and craving something sweet to eat
Music - for all we know-the carpenters(yet again)
Edited - Never

Ladybird books, readers seem to have an obsession with small, thin, readable objects.  I'll bet they all look nice and neat lined up in your bookshelves though
Posted by:AC


date: 04/01/2006 19:44 GMT
Fodd, glorious food...even skinny ol' me is putting on the poundage with all this eating...and NOT ENOUGH EXERCISE! I've just gotta eat better...more fresh food!!!
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 04/01/2006 23:58 GMT
Ooops...FOOD, not Fodd! Of course, I noticed my error AFTER I pressed "submit"!
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 05/01/2006 00:00 GMT
Ah ha!So you are FALLIBLE afterall,Janice hehe.
Posted by:daftbird


date: 05/01/2006 12:04 GMT
daftbird, were you ever a fan of Grug?
Posted by:mazzanda


date: 05/01/2006 23:39 GMT
It's funny when i read that instantly i had a vision of a weird little creature-the name rang a bell.Then i had to google it otherwise i'd never sleep tonight for wondering about it!This is the thing-i can't ever recall watching it-yet MUST have for it to ring a bell.So do grug and i have common ground?haha.
Posted by:daftbird


date: 06/01/2006 00:18 GMT
Well Grug is a very slim and small book - something it has in common with Ladybird books and Readers Digests. Somebody has made a claymation version I think, but that was much later. I think Grug was written in the 70s or 80s. Go look him up on ebay to see some of the books.
Posted by:mazzanda


date: 06/01/2006 00:52 GMT
I thought the Grug books were small and white and square. More like a Mr Men book than a lady bird book.  Lady bird books were always rectangular and tended to have harder covers which were dark in colour.
God I know way too much about this!
Posted by:AC


date: 06/01/2006 21:19 GMT
Yeah... but they're still small books
Posted by:mazzanda


date: 06/01/2006 21:29 GMT
Too true.  Anyone remember the "Footy Kids" books?  Or the "City Kids" and "Country Kids" books? They were Aussie ones.
Posted by:AC


date: 06/01/2006 21:51 GMT
I don't know about those books, but I have so many of those "Mr. Men" books! My dad bought me way too many, he like went crazy and bought me at least over ten of them (this was when I was about 8 years old though... )
Posted by:i_luv_tbt_he_roks


date: 06/01/2006 22:31 GMT
i love the mr men books as well-bought some for my son-but really they're for me .Mr Forgetful is such a tosser,that book cracks me up -haha.So now i have to look up grug books and those aussie ones as well-and there's no room on the bookshelf as it is!
Posted by:daftbird


date: 06/01/2006 23:11 GMT
I remember Grug books...probably from when I worked in a book department. They are like Mr. Men books in size and thickness, but, unlike Mr. Men books, I didn't take to them. I think they came out in the late '80s.
Posted by:Janice

Janice WWW 

date: 08/01/2006 00:20 GMT
janice,do you mean that you used to work in a bookshop?
Posted by:daftbird


date: 08/01/2006 12:23 GMT
My husband was once loving and caring but to a point he stopped and totally forsake me, he wasn't having time for me because he was having an affair, all he was, i was so devastated that i didn't know what to do. I did love him so much, even when he was still not caring and was cheating i couldn't leave cause i still loved him, i sorted for help from every where i could to have my husband back, i luckily found Robinson Buckler who was helping people out on relationship and marriage issues. I went on and contacted him, i explained what i was going through in my marriage, then he assured me that he would help me, i did all that he instructed me to do and then he told me that my husband would return to me after some days, i waited patiently and after some days passed my husband came home one evening and started apologizing to me to forgive him for how he had been treating me, i was so surprised beyond words that i can't thank this you enough. Write this name {{Robinson.buckler}} on Google to get his contact
Posted by:Lucille32


date: 23/11/2019 22:56 GMT
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