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daftbird's Journal
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2006-01-02 09:51:19
who knows what the title should be
Read this today-"traditional scottish fare has long relied on fresh,healthy ingredients".Hell,so the scots don't like to eat putrified ingredients,either?Well who knew!

Mood - a bit tired and crochetty
Music - tristesse-the church(the acoustic version)
Edited - Never

WEll that fresh thing is a surprise to me as well daftbird.  Isn't it the scotts that eat haggis??? and isn't haggis sheeps intestines or something of that nature??? Well at least it is fresh i suppose.  You know in Australia we would never eat anything so revolting, we only go for such delicacy's such as kidney, liver, brains, tongue and ox tail and who hasn't sample the parsons nose of the chicken .......excuse me i don't fell so well now (hehehe)
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 02/01/2006 10:09 GMT
Yes haggis-and it's like it's the scots national pastime to try and stir up tourists that haggis is a creature or something that roams wild.I came home with a stuffed toy haggis.They tried to con me about it but it didn't work-haha-you have reminded me about a silly poem i wrote about the subject back in 1991-will have to post it here sometime just for fun.It's really daft .
Posted by:daftbird


date: 02/01/2006 10:49 GMT
Am I the only Australian that actually likes Haggis? My Grandma makes an awesome haggis. She disguises it well too... I remember eating it for the first time... "mmm, what's this, it tastes lovely?", "oh, it's haggis", "WHAT?!"
You have to pass that barrier of knowing what it is to accept it!
Posted by:mazzanda


date: 02/01/2006 16:25 GMT
I must admit I've never eaten haggis.  But it's funny how things are advertised like that these days. There's some ad for Italian food which is really similar "There has always been an Italian tradition to use the best and freshest ingredients" or some crap like that.  I mean, duh! Do other countries have traditions of using the oldest, smelliest and most repulsive ingredients they can find???
Posted by:AC


date: 02/01/2006 16:56 GMT
Hats off to mazzanda for eating haggis-that is worthy of a world domination badge,is it not?  Yeah ,see what i've been raving about for a few entries,AC?-it's so annoying-saying that everything is fresh.Even frigging woolies are the fresh food people.It's such a petty thing,but it really does get me riled up! .It's enough to make you pull your hair out.
Posted by:daftbird


date: 02/01/2006 17:55 GMT
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