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Edna's Journal
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2005-11-08 06:31:11
I did write an entry during the week, but just as I finished, theinterenet connection went down and my computer threw a major wobbly, my internet is still delicate and my MSN ain't working (any suggestions?). The 2 murder mysteries came and went. Definately not the best. The Saturday one, ha! We went to Telford to be dropped at Oswestry for a coach ride to Wrexham. It was A lady called Erica's birthday. The idea was We'd meet up with her (never met her, no idea what she looked like, sounds like a good'n don't it?). We looked out for the coach whilst sheltering from te rain in the doorway of a hotel, which unbeknownst to us contained Erica and chums. She approached us and then we all got on the coach. For the most part we just sat drinking warm champers it was virtually imposible to do any scene setting, peeps too busy chatting. a chance came as the coach attempted to negotiate the narrow path to the destination hotel. our progress was halted and we had to wait while a minibus got into position to ferry us.
Hilarious fun. Was still home by 1.00 in the morning to watch the recorded pot black.
Satrudy  spent a couple of hours filming for a series of shorts. running up and down stairwells wit ha camera, my shoulder is still sore. Turned out my old chum Jim starred in it. Of course, we had to watch footage over a pint. More filming on Wednesday, should be fun.
As well as my computer going down, my fridge decided to die. It's a conspiracy. At least I got ot the end of this.

Mood - jolly
Music - Isihac
Edited - Never

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