Thursdays murder mystery. It took ages to get to Hollins Hall. When we got there we were stunned! Wot a place. A single bed was a double bed, absolute luxury. If we'd had time we could have had complimentary saunas/massages ect. unfortunately we were there to work! It all went very well, I had no no lines of any consequence but got shout in an American accent and talk to the imaginary 'gallery'. Free bar afterwards. Stacked up with beer and Jack daniels. The plan was go up to aour room after the bar closed wiith our beer stashed in the mini fridge (in car) and watch the snooker. The managing director of the private medical company we were working for INSISTED we went for a drink with him. He actually fancied C. the unashamed flirt in our company. Sghe wanted to stay for te free beer but also protection from the learing MD. We we're there 'til around 5.00! A little worse for wear we herde C. to bed. Not a bad babysitting job really. We didn't make it back to the car 'til the morning the fridge had drained the battery so the RAC were called for. Why was God so cruel to make me hangover free!