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Edna's Journal
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2005-10-05 02:45:44
And so, to bed.......
Another hero gone. What a shame. God blees you Ronnie, you're legacy will live forever.
To cheer me up, my DVD of Monster Club lay on my doormat when i got back. Couldn't resist watching the Shadmock bit.
Friday we went to the Shops. Rog decided to get a lovely double bed going cheap (they usually squerk 'cos of the springs). Monday they said, between 1-4:00.  lots of clearing up/vacuuming to be done.  2:00 Rog went off to work leaving me to carry on cleaning and waiting for the men. I discovered Rog's dark secret. He has a plastic bag collection. Bags from record shops long past to the present. Ha.  Moved stuff around and made room. Bed got ensconced and very comfy it it too. Had a pile of CDs to rview at the start of the week, but nothing compares to Rachel Mari Kimber's album I reviewed last month, fantastic.
Wish i could get more like that.

Mood - headachey
Music - Red Organ Serpent Sound!!!
Edited - Never

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