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Edna's Journal
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2005-07-26 23:59:25
Well it's been a weird couple of weeks. My DVD player packed up. My lovely little Cyberhome. It was the fault of The Brides Of Fu ManChu. I was watching that and enjoying it. Halfway through, I pause it to swear at a bloke trying to sell me summat. I put it back on, it froze like an aardvark in the antarctic. i fiddled around with it, as yer do, to no avail. i had to watch the rest on the computer, not as good. Happy now got a new one yesterday, onl £30 in WH Smiths. Celebrated by watching michael Bentines potty time.
Did a murder Mystery on Saturday. IJust 2 actors. 17 people on 1 table all together. A hen party. it was the quietest hen party I've ever encountered in me lfe! The hotel was the poshest and most expensive I've ever worked in, over £100 a night! The desk staff still managed to mess things up with wide eyedinability to understand English coupled with impatient old Ladies. As Copper Laura Norder i was in charge of the gun for the most part, the best bit. I don't actually get to shoot anyone, but I let it off in the corriidor. Oh, and we had the bride to be and her sister playing two of the major parts. Should've shot them, they might have been a bit more lively.
I've got a load of Bonzo Dog Doo Dah Band stuff to sort out and Astronauts to capture onto my harddrive. Should kepp me busy for the rest of the day.   
We've got 2 black swans  on the reservoir now, never seen that before!

Mood - Chirpy
Music - Radio
Edited - Never

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