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Edna's Journal
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2005-06-06 05:22:33
Well bugger it! I'd just finished putting in me new entry. I decided it needed editing so I did that. I clicked on on the send message thingy. I ended up with 3 entries, all  he same .
In my zombie like state (due to raging insomnia, only curable by alcohol and Rolf Harris programmes), I not only got rid of all of them, but the previous entry too. Bits of my life missing and I can't remember much about it. Not much different there then ! If you can help me out rebuilding my life I'd be grateful. No fibbing now, I'd probably believe you anyway.
One bit I can remember. The Calvin and Hobbes book, the bookshare one I found in Walsall? I found I was it's first recipient. I had envisaged it's journey across the world. quatrer of a mile to Rogers place and then around 5 miles to mine. Yep, I feel a little guilty about it, but I'll strive to get over it.
I've abandoned sculpture for a bit. 3 reasons. 1, Other stuff to do, 2, the itchy rash on my left had the chemicals give me. 3, I haven't quite worked out how to make the mould properly.
I'll now go and review a CD by a(probably) Uninteresting band .

Mood - Bouncy
Music - The msusic of life!!!
Edited - Never

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