I think I'm getting old. For months I've been ignoring the fact that it's getting painful to walk. Truth is I'm scared of the physiotherapy that's really gonna smart! Getting used to life without snooker. Not easy. Had to go and talk to Dave in the pub last night, he's a snooker correspondent! poor old ronnie has, like firball XL5 flown off the rails whilst his sanity trolley spirals towards the valley below. Oh dear! My DVD burner is refusing to burn stuff, it is a bugger! I've got some lovely projects sitting on my harddrive waiting to fly their way various corners of the globe. Wanna move on to the next one now. I'm sooo impatient. Have to learn a couple of card tricks for a BIG murder mystery on the 13th. I'm rubbish at things like that. I'll just be the bumbling Tommy Cooper type. That'll work! Get the plaster to cast my sculpture tomrrow. Looking forward to finishing that and doing the next one. Does any one else ramble on like this, or is it just me?