Got back to Dijon to find it in the midst of a blizzard. So was treking through enormous snow drifts every day if I wanted to get anywhere, and I honestly thought it was never going to melt. However, I woke up this morning to find that it had all gone. It literally went from below freezing yesterday to actually quite sunny today. I've never been anywhere in my life which has such dramatic temperature changes.
Uni started back yesterday - I had the grand total of one class. Have nothing to say about that because university does not interest me in the slightest, I'm only doing this shit because I have to. Afterwards, got an offer I couldn't refuse from Tyler (no, not that) so went to hang out with him and Ali for a bit, then swung past Marche Plus and bought a insane amount of food. Thus, have decided to just stop it with the junk food - I always feel ridiculously guilty and kinda crap after I eat it and have realised that I actually feel better after I eat healthily than I do after I stuff my wordhole with rubbish. Yeah, it's taken me 21 years to figure that one out.
In other news:
Decided to get a babysitting/tutoring job over here cos since I'm moving into the studio, I'm paying about twice more than what I pay for Halls, plus electricity and stuff and also internet.
Decided that when I graduate Edinburgh with this pointless degree, I'm going to go do another pointless degree in music. Or something music-related. But definitely want to study music properly.
Also decided to stop worrying about money. I'm only gonna be young once and I really only have a year or so more that I can afford to be reckless and be able to guilt-trip my parents into bailing me out when I over-indulge. And I have a student loan. So, yeah, I shouldn't be worrying at all actually.
On that note, have therefore decided that I will go see Scissor Sisters in Paris.
I have to write stuff like this down, otherwise I forget it all. True.
Evidentally decided lots of important things throughout the process of this journal entry. This is better than a shrink.