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nezangel's Journal
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2006-11-27 09:46:49
Long time, no journal...
Hellooo, me again!
Well, I meant to do a journal about my trip to Manchester last weekend but I've not been online much this week and I can't say much more than JessPix already has in her journal - take a look if you haven't already, its a great read! 
All I can say is that I had a fabby time, it was great to meet up with Jess and meeting Graeme & Tim is always wonderful.  Tim was very teasing and cheeky to me, he kept saying he was scared of me (making me a little paranoid in the process but I'm fairly sure he was only joking!) and that he wakes up in the night screaming "The Minx, The Minx!!" - depends what context you put that into as to whether that's a good thing or not!!    He was very jovial and chatty with us, as was Graeme.  Graeme was looking utterly sexy as per usual and I did get Jess to take a picture (btw I reckon my pic of Jess & Tim is fab - they look great together!  ) of me with him and then another one as the first one was blurred - unfortunately so was the 2nd and I didn't like to pester him for another one.....or a photo (hee hee!) 
I'll put links to them both so you can all have a good laugh at the general blurriness and my silly expressions:

I'm writing this journal in hope it might distract me from the fact that my fellow Giddies Jess, Peej & Kirstyn are at this very moment up in Sunderland meeting the guys after the Clue recording and I am intensely jealous and wish I was there with them.  Who knows when I'll next get a chance to meet the guys again - I still have my fingers crossed for a Goodies show tour next year though!

Over that weekend I also got my photo taken next to the A-Team van (oh how I loved that show as a kid!):
I managed to get Dwight Schultz's autograph (he played Murdoch, my favourite character in The A-Team) so that was fab too! 

Well thats about all I can think of to add to Jess' account that's of any vague interest, I could tell you all about how the hotel had double booked me and messed me around big-style so I had to stay somewhere else but it would only annoy me to write it down anyway and I'm sure you couldn't care less!    I do need to get a letter of complaint to them though - I should sign it "disgusted of Tunbridge Wells" - hee hee! 

Ah, I almost forgot to mention - I've put a deposit down on a car.  I'm going to be part exchanging my beloved Micky (after owning him for more than 8 years) as he's too unreliable now.  I'll be getting a green (how appropriate for me!) fiesta who is nameless at the moment although I'm calling him the MinxMobile until he has a proper name! 

Anyway, don't forget to listen to Clue tomorrow evening on Radio 4 - I was in the audience so I know it was a cracking show (Gromit!)

bye for now
Carrie x

Mood - Jealous of Giddies, wishing it was last weekend!
Music - Pet Shop Boys - The Sodom & Gomorrah Show
Edited -

Jess told me all about the wonderful time you both had last Sunday and I am very jealous! 
Despite the fact that they're blurry, those pics look lovely - I am also very jealous of those, as I got a pic with Graeme at the weekend and he looks a bit...not amazing...he's pulling a silly face..!  I still haven't managed to get one where we both look decent...
Got back to my room today and found a lovely little package from you! Thanks very very much!  It was just what I've always wanted. (Sad, but very true)
Hopefully see you soon - we really should do something in December
Posted by:urban_spacegirl


date: 29/11/2006 00:28 GMT
It was a fantastic weekend, Saturday was lots of fun and on Sunday Tim and Graeme were absolute gents. You couldn't ask for two nicer guys, they certainly made us feel very welcome.

Tim's a naughty man - I wish he said he yelled my name/nickname out in bed.....I've said too much....

I still feel bad about the photos coming out blurry, yet you both still look lovely. The A-Team van picture is good - I'm not completely useless with cameras after all!

I hope the hotel dilemma is sorted and you get compensation, it's the least you deserve after they arsed up the bookings. Tsk. If you need me and Tim to accost the hotel, shaking our fists, then just say the word!

(I won't comment on how wrong that sounded!)

Love the name of MinxMobile for your new car, I think you should have that as its permanent name.

I'll shut up now.

P.S. Kirstyn said 'package' tee hee!
Posted by:JessPix

JessPix WWW 

date: 29/11/2006 07:20 GMT
Minxmobile is a brilliant name for your car!  Do it!! 

I love the pic of you with the A-team van - that rocks; I'm surprised it's still all in one piece considering some of the things it went through!.

Sounds like you guys had an ace time in Manchester - wish I'd been there but it's been great to read about your adventures!  Sounds like the hotels were rubbish - hope you were able to get those sorted out!

Peej x
Posted by:Im_a_Teapot

Im_a_Teapot WWW 

date: 30/11/2006 03:01 GMT
Tim & Graeme must feel so lucky to have you as a fan.
Posted by:Magilla


date: 02/12/2006 23:22 GMT
What a brilliant time you both had - Tim and Graeme are well deserving of the devotion - blurred or not those pics are lovely!!

The Minxmobile - I'm loving it ( that or the shagginwagon - but you really need a panel van for that one to be really effective )

and could Kristyn send me that package   ...Oh sorry she was referring to a present she recieved - my mistake
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 03/12/2006 12:22 GMT
Thats was insane .
Posted by:downey


date: 20/03/2020 16:50 GMT
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