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Flippa's Journal
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2006-11-22 04:02:12
Crazy little thing called ME
Well, this is my first journal entry, and i'm pretty proud of myself, cause I haven't written in a journal since i went to one of my best friend's birthday party back when I was 7. That's a while ago, so if this sucks, don't blame me. ... no wait, blame me. please do. I deserve it.

Hello. people. today it's snowing back here in iceland.(To make this more interesting i will pretend to be a eskimo). it was very very snowy. But on the bright side, i finally built my own igloo, so now i can move out of my parents'. Sweet. Ofcourse it was still freezing my butt of. So i torched the place. mind you, it did take me a while to get the fire going, but when it did, it was hot, hot, hot. I then cought a bunch of fish and held the very first roast-a-fish competition. we were so stoned from the poisoned ice-fumes though, i can´t remember the rules, but if i ever torch my igloo again and hold another one, i'll remember to write it down  somewhere.

I can't bothere to do this anymore. Eskimolife must suck. no wait I take that back. I have no idea what it's like to be an eskimo. Don't crusify me on this, please. This is just something I wrote in the spirit of the moment. please don't!!!

I've just realized how insane i must be. and bad at english. but here, in the pile of coldness, we speak a language so weird, you would laugh at it and ask me if I was joking if I would ever use it to you. yes, we speak a strange dialect called.....


it's a strange and demonic sound. I think it sounds pretty cool, but to you it is the sound of the devil. here, have a go...

let's try something simple, like:


(Icelandic) veist þú hvar búðin er?

veist, with a v like in very, not with. and then the ei together as the ay in maybe

þú, þ is said th, and ú is like oo in too

hvar, hv is actually kv, k you know, and the v is the same as in veist. the r is made by making your tounge vibrate. this is tricky, and icelandic kids don't always get this right until they're 8 or something.

búðin. ú is the same as before, ð is the same as þ and in is said like inn

er. e like in everybody, and r like before

do you get it? no? ofcourse you don't. I don't know any foreigner who gets this all right. whe russian are close, and the germans even more so, but none can get that destinct icelandic thing goin' like whe icelanders. no wait. i know a faroese guy who gets it right. but apart from that, no-one!

.....just thinking now, this was a bit off the subject, and i don't think this next bit'll be any more intelligent, so I'll just not put it in here. maybe i will later.

byebye, or as we say in Iceland, bæbæ
(said completely identically)

oh, and P.S. I suck at english, so don't waste time telling me so. I know, alright?

Mood - Cold. even though i don't live in an igloo!
Music - just the voices in my head chanting kill, kill ...
Edited -

Flippa, you are NOT bad at English! And I'm not just saying that. I think it's cool that you live in Iceland (no pun intended...)
Posted by:pruneonthemoon


date: 23/11/2006 15:49 GMT
Hi Flippa like Prunnie said your English is quite good.
Posted by:Puddin

Puddin WWW 

date: 26/11/2006 22:16 GMT
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