After discussion I am now thoroughly embarrassed and ashamed of myself for Sunday. Didn't realise how overbearing I am.
Am going off to lick my own self-imposed wounds. Am very embarrassed. Not upset with anyone other than me. But am definitely retreating completely. Not being melodramatic, but don't ask me about Sunderland yet because I don't want to go now.
Feel like shit. Wish my ego was less delicate and wish I cared less about what everyone thinks of me. Actually I do care. A lot. It keeps me awake at night. To find out people I love, respect and admire can't stand the sight of me is a touch crippling.
I'm so pathetic. I'm sorry. I really am.
I knew everyone was pissed off with me for Sunday, why the hell did it take them that long to tell me? I didn't know. I really didn't know. God I'm such a stupid, pathetic, useless idiot.
Not that it helps, as it never does when you are feeling this way...but...stuff 'em you are who u r and u had a corker time. No apologise needed. hugs!
Not a Meg: I was so sad to read that you were so low. You've got nothing to feel bad about. I just loved reading about 'Clue', especially the Graeme bits. You must go to Sunderland, and write up your journal about it, please? Hugs to you, from Dobbin xxxxx