Have not written much lately as my house and life have become extremely full.
Loving the house but still have not unpacked everything. Every time I come home someone rings up and comes over. Not that I am complaining.
Went and saw Jimeoin on Thursday night. Laughed so hard I was slapping my leg. Some guy decided it was ok to sit between kerri and myself and then he spent most of the night trying to chat us up. I paid no attention 'cause I paid money and i am watching. When he got the point he then proceeded to yell comments out. Kerri and I cringed a fair bit.
A couple in front of me had an argument (we're at comedy for god's sake). I saw the entire thing and was tempted to hit this guy in the head. He stormed off and the lady looked totally confused. When he came back he was rude to her and then proceeded to over compensate by laughing ridiculously loud and over the top and everything. I know this guy and he is a total wanker.
Have not had a housewarming yet. i refuse do so until I unpack. Of course this could take a while. However, on Saturday the girls came over and we sat on the decking and got slaughtered. Kerri came home so as the others left we kept hooking in. It was at this point I decided to utilise the fire pit. With a bit of zippo fluid and our packing box we had a hell little fire.
More girls arrived and then it was on. Chrissy, kerri, rasta the dog and myself all hopped in the car and went fire wood hunting. we had no ropes or chains so I rode shotgun on the roof holding onto the wood.
Then paddock bashing. We drove around and around our paddock laughing our heads off and being idiots. It was so much fun.
So needless to say I am completely loving it out here. We spend most of our time out in the garden or on the decking while pete plays his guitar.
Got to go. People coming over.
Mood - happy happy joy joy
Music - None, everyone is in bed