Okay, it's time to liven things up in this GROK journal! My days back to school have been quite pleasant (knock on wood) and I am, in fact, enjoying it. Well, the weather is getting warmer and I'm almost done with Year 10, so whoop-de-do for me. Classes are not very interesting (were they ever?), but I was pleasantly surprised to find that I got an A for my Romeo & Juliet response essay. I reckon the first paragraph was shit-house, but never mind... I think the new VELS grading system is coming into place next year. What a pity I'll be in VCE. I like the sound of the new system.
Now, I am a confessed compulsive doodler. I must have drawn about seven full-pages today and that's a record! Yes, it makes Science much more interesting. I'll put some parts of my doodles (ahem!) here 'cause I think people might be interested: