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prunatic's Journal
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2006-10-02 22:53:21
Last week I went to have my initial contact with the people who are graciously providing me with training for my New Deal option, I start on the 23rd October, meaning I’ll be posting less comments on here  and non-journal readers will go; ‘Aye, newbie charm worn off.’

On first impressions, I didn’t like the woman interviewing me much, a bit too professional and treated me like I was simple and gave me a “you are dosser-scum” look. She told me that to keep the companies contract with the job centre they have to find employment for 50% of their ‘clients’, and I’ll obviously ruin her targets. I think the jingly bag charm and homemade necklace added an hippy-dosser air of being on the side of the 50% that won‘t get a job. And I tried so hard to dress in a drab way, I succeeded with the clothes but neglected to consider my accessories! . Mentioning any theatre work is also the kiss of death, big style, as a) Real people think nobody involved in the “creative arts” do any work and b) generally don’t know what anyone does in the theatre apart from ‘actor’.  I already know this but I don’t want to be hassled into a ‘No Logo’ style job - done that already - so I deliberately didn‘t mention that so I have nobody to blame but myself!

I think she thought she’d scare me, by saying how intensive the course is, into doing some woolies type job, but I’ve done New Deal before and I’ve worked 72 hour weeks (simultaneously breaking the minimum wage law), so meh to her, bet she hant. I think I can cope with a 30hr week including 6 hrs  intensive job search - read job section in 10mins spend the other 5hr50 drinking tea and doing a group crossword!

There are some good points the course is 3 months; half the length I thought it would be and I’ll be super fit. I’ve got 40mins in the morning before I have to be there, due to bus timetables, so I plan to spend the time walking, if only to avoid hypothermia in the winter and walk during lunch and tea breaks if they have them. I can’t stand being cooped up in the same spot all day, it makes me feel trapped. I’ve propped the centre and the surrounding areas to death which means I know where all the best charity shops and places to go are, so I’ll get all the charity shop bargains and treasures before anyone else, when haven’t I? I’ve got the touch for finding stuff and well under budget to boot. Then in March I’ll be taking loads of crap to different charity shops!

Mood -
Music - You could be loved - Bob Marley
Edited - Never

I don't like it when I'm judged 'cause I'm an Arts/ Humanities student. One of my teachers even asked me "How are you going to get a job with those subjects?" when I told her what I'm doing next year. Horrible old lady.
Posted by:pruneonthemoon


date: 06/10/2006 15:58 GMT
Charming! You should have said you were going to teacher training college after doing your A/H courses to become a teacher like her, hah. Or told her aren't teachers supposed to inspire their pupils? Still you'll be off and she'll still be stuck being a miserable old bag(grammer?).
Posted by:prunatic


date: 07/10/2006 21:42 GMT
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