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pruneonthemoon's Journal
Back to pruneonthemoon's Journal
2006-09-24 10:15:45
Things I've been pondering...
Yay! I have seven badges. 
And I thought I might change the scene a little with a bit of...colour.
'Comedy Classics' was on last night. I wish they'd take requests or something. Speaking of which, 'Doctor in the House' was also on, and I was just wondering: who is Dick Stuart-Clarke? I know he's just a character, but I can't remember which one. And I was thinking it was some reference to Chris Stuart-Clarke, you know, who was in Cambridge Circus. Yes, anyway...

It's 10:40 am in Melbourne and I'm wishing I was on the other side of the world. What's new? Oh, God. There are so many things I want to do, but I have to be patient. Patience is not one of my traits. Damn it, I will travel the world one day. In the meantime, I just have to wait until I have finished school and have enough money.
People are always saying "Oh isn't so-and-so well travelled?" Yeah, well if you look at their bank accounts of course they're gonna have the opportunity to go everywhere by the time they're 17. But do they want it as much as I do?

Yesterday I downloaded the first ever episode if ISIRTA! I've got the first two in the Prep Series now. While I was waiting, I made a zillion avatars. Not sure when I'll use them but I haven't had Spike for even a week yet, I think. 

I want to extend a big, warm hug to everyone today.  I can be such a stress head, but this is the place I come when I want a good laugh.  Y'all are life savers.

Mood - Okay
Music - A song from 'Phantom of the Opera' (?)
Edited -

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