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nezangel's Journal
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2006-09-22 21:50:17
Thinking of Hamster!
Well its been a little while since I last put my random thoughts down in this here journal so here goes with some more...

Some of you, especially the Aussies may not know what the hell my journal title is on about so allow me to elucidate ("you do & you clear it up yourself!").  Practically everyone in the UK will know about this already due to media coverage but for those who don't live over here I'll explain.  I am a big fan of Richard Hammond (known as hamster as he's cute, short and his name is a bit hamsterish!) who presents a few TV programmes but is best known for Top Gear, the motoring show on the BBC.  Well on Wednesday he was filming in a rocket powered car and travelling at (depending on which news report you believe) between 280 - 300mph when something went wrong (speculation is rife on this too!) and he crashed - he's been in intensive care ever since although I've just heard they've moved him out of IC into a High Dependency Unit.  He's suffered significant brain injury but doctors are hopeful of a good recovery, anyway, I'm thinking of him a lot and although he'll never see this I feel the need to put it down somewhere that I hope he makes a speedy recovery (pun intended!)

Another bad week workwise - I was due to be paid on Wednesday and haven't been - this happened a couple of months ago too and its become a piss-take - they can't even say when I'll get the money they owe me - handy when I have Direct Debits set up on my account and less than £2 (I'm not good at saving & Edinburgh was pricy!)  On Wednesday evening I updated my CV and I've now applied for 2 jobs!  I'm getting outta this place as soon as possible - its not even like the boss is friendly anymore, he seems to be taking out his anger & frustration at the failing company on me which is not on!

OK, although this seems to be a downer journal entry I'm not actually in too bad a mood (& its Friday which I always enjoy!).  After all I'm going to see Adam Hills a week today, The Goodies on the 5th October (13 days to go!) and Jeremy Hardy on the 11th October.  Plus I have tickets to see Clue in London in November (woohoo!) so how can I be down when I think about all that excitement to come?!? 

Right, better do some work, although I don't see why I should!

bye for now,
nezangel x

Mood - Mixed bag
Music - Don't Go - Yazoo
Edited -

Oh my God, poor Richard.  I think he's brilliant, so sweet and funny.  I really hope he gets through this. 

Hmm... good luck with all the job stuff, sounds like they really need to get their act together. 

The Scissor Sisters sounded like so much fun, I am so jealous.  Would that have been the concert that I watched live on TV last Saturday night?  You're so lucky!

Don't suppose you're going to Clue in Sunderland?  I'm thinking of coming back over for a week in November, hopefully to see a few shows/gigs around about that time, and Clue is one of them.  Would be great to see you then
Posted by:urban_spacegirl


date: 23/09/2006 01:06 GMT
Hamster seems to be improving quite well considering, thank goodness - let's hope he's back on our screens as soon as possible!

The SS concert you saw on TV was indeed the very same concert - it was excellent!

I heard you'd be back over for the Sunderland Clue - I've no holiday left but if I get another job then maybe I can take a day off so I can get up there (or rather use it to travel back down south on the Monday) - we'll have to see, I'd love to meet up with you & the rest of the gang! 
I'm just amazed there are tickets still available (albeit in the worst seats!!)

Hope things are going well in France!
Posted by:nezangel

nezangel WWW 

date: 23/09/2006 08:26 GMT
Yikes... I heard Mr Top Gear had a prang, but hadn't heard how serious it was.  Our poor wee Hampster (that is a very good name for him, actually) may he make a full recovery.
Posted by:jodievdw


date: 25/09/2006 07:13 GMT
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