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Im_a_Teapot's Journal
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2006-09-12 09:57:22
Sorry I was miles away- literally!

Right I will no longer take the mick out of Tim for wobbly cycling.

Having just done a week long cycling holiday (yes holiday) I feel like I know what it was like riding the trandem.

Ok so there was just me pedalling but I felt like I was carrying the weight of two men behind me- and that was only on the flat bits!

I think it's universal that all bikes carry congealed blood on them cause mine certainly had a go at me!

So apologies to Tim.


GROK has gone mad- am trying to catch up with everything!

Scrapbook pictures of the handing over (well the bit before that) well there's proof I was actually there but I have no recollection of any of that except of Tim saying 'look at us' but no hand gestures and you'd think you would remember something like that!

Am slooooooooowly catching up.


I've been reminded just why I love fans so much- it doesn't matter what forum I'm on or what I'm going to see but I love to meet and see fans of acts or shows or bands (you get my gist).

GROK is actually my favourite forum out of the acts I love- it's so friendly and fun!  Like the Keane forum; I joined that and tried to keep in touch with what was happening but there are too many members and you'd have to be logged in every 5 seconds to keep up to date- I still lurk there though.

Anyway I'm now trying to catch up with my fellow GROKers and see just what has been going on in my absence and it looks like a lot! 

BTW if I'm classed as silly then right now I don't care cause I'm just being me and no one really seems to care.


Steve Irwin.

I was actually very sad when I heard he had died.  That might sound a bit crass but bear with me....

I have a MASSIVE phobia of snakes (my sister doesn't seem to understand this and is having a go at me right now).  But we are talking huge phobia it's fairly common, some of you reading this possibly have it as well.  In fact it affects me so much that when I was doing my ASP programming module at uni I was unable to take a book out on the subject because it had a picture of a snake on it (ASP... asp... oh yeah snake! - clever!)

Anyway I remember there was this show- Steve Irwin finding the 10 most poisonous snakes in the world which I think happened to all be in Australia.  I think my mum made me watch it because it would help the phobia.  Which it didn't.  It made it worse and for the life of me, I couldn't understand why anyone would voluntarily go up to something that dangerous and actually geta high off it going doing his t-shirt... still not getting it.

Anyway so one thing lead to another; I vowed not to watch another snake programme with him and was shocked when Steve held his son over a crocodile (or soemthing like that) - I'm not keen on crocs either!

Anyway I was shocked to learn on Tuesday (the worst day of the holiday anyway) that Steve had died.  As I looked at the *wonderful* way the tabloids announced it to you, I was surprised at how affected I was because to me, this guy has always been insane but that's because of the snake phobia.

I guess now that I was probably in awe of him- that he was able to love something I am absolutely pertrified of-deep down I respected him and I'm sad he has gone even if I don't understand him!

Sorry needed to write this somewhere!

Anyway must head off for bed have bags under my eyes the size of Kirstyn's suitace to France (the biggest I've ever seen- she's obviously planning to take Dr. with her)

Ciao for now!

Mood - Nite nite Nightity nite consider myself off to bed
Music - nada
Edited - Never

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