Have been very embarrased about Lurve entry and being dying all day to come home and delete. However, if I can't be honest in my own journal and not worry so much about what I feel and what is in my head well how can I truly live. "A person who stands for nothing, falls for anything".
Won't say anthing else tonight because I need to be very very still. I'm in my bubble and it is safe in here.
Mood - Alright
Music - Convey, Kriss Kristofison..Luv the movie
Ah, you're a breath of fresh air, mate. Sorry about the fireworks - it's something that's been bubbling under for a long, long time, I think we've blown off some steam and should all return to 'normal' now. Er, normal is what exactly?
May I just say you have excellent taste in Goodies? (Bill's my fav) If you'd like some Bill pix to make avatars out of, just say the word.
Bindy me luv - you're quite amazing. I mean it. You're a most welcome addition to 'da family' (to be said in best New York Sicilian Mafioso Accent).
And please don't get upset about the 'fireworks' - as they were extremely welcome and appreciated by me. Besides, the rodental canine deserved it. Totally. Final word on the subject.
Can't have bill photos...must not give in...noooo not yet.
See I have one of those addictive personalities, you know, ciggs' beer, austar, pokies, anything. Addictions are futile and soon the high will end. Must resist the temptations. Already struggling with this site. I need help, if only there was someone who would do anything, anytime, any where. Surely they could help me. Sorry got to go loosing it I am off to GROK where I feel safe and my friends are.