Hey, it's the beginning of my favourite month: Spring! Just about everyone I know has their birthday in spring, and it's so exciting 'cause the Melbourne Show is coming up, and... and...and...yeah. I just like Spring. I've been looking up 'Goodies' on YouTube and found a really interesting documentary. I closed it 'cause I thought we were leaving, but we weren't, so I opened the Internet again and YouTube (surprise, surprise) has gine gefunkt again. Well, it's comforting to know that a 'specialised team of highly trained monkeys' are working on the problem. It's amazing how much can go wrong in two minutes. And I'm slightly annoyed at Blogger Beta. I thought it wouldn't matter that I don't have Mozilla or Firefox (we used to) but it does so now I can't bloody fix anything. I don't know what the heck happened, but there you go. Some of the best photos I took are on that site! So I've just come here to complain about things that just won't work. I was very surpried to see Mr. September this morning. When I had a look at all the calendar pics, I didn't see him, so I was trying for ages to work out the Conspiracy of the Missing September Dude. Well, now that he's here, I appreciate him very much.