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nezangel's Journal
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2006-08-29 23:34:18
Garden Implements
Hello all.  Well my poor cat Smokey is at the vets today - being spayed (hence the lame joke as a title to this journal - I just wanted the word Garden in it somewhere...obsessed moi?!?) 
Anyhoo, she's had the op and everything's gone fine so I'll pick her up after work and make a fuss of her.  She's such a pampered little princess that she won't know quite what's hit her today, bless her. 

OK, I keep telling myself I should stop obsessing about the Goodies, I mean it's good that I have an interest and I know I don't obsess in a scary stalker-esque way or anything but I really need to stop wishing I'd gone to more showings in Edinburgh and stop willing it to be October so I can see them in Brighton!  Snap out of it woman *slap slap slap*....ok, that's better.  I'm calm now...
Wish it was Thursday so I could listen to the next instalment of Hamish & Dougal....oh bloody hell woman you're doing it again! 

Right, let's see...what can I talk about that's not linked to the goodies in any way whatsoever?  Kittens!  That's it, my beloved kittens!  We're keeping the 2 females (we sold the boy a while back) and one of the girls was called Minx from an early age (can't think where I got the inspiration for that name!) & my goodness does she live up to the name! We haven't named the other girl yet though as for a while we weren't sure if we were keeping her too - I don't think we could part with her now though, she's just adorable.  Anyway, I might try to post a picture of her in my journal sometime soon and see if she inspires any names from the good folks on GROK.

Edited bit:

OK here's a couple of links to the un-named beauty.  Now she looks a bit cross-eyed in both pics which is a bit strange as she doesn't appear to be other than on photo's! - anyway, she's the nicest kitty cat ever, she even licks her sister Minx clean while she's asleep then hugs her - such a cutie!

Any ideas on names would be appreciated & considered (as long as they're not horrible!) 

Oh and while I'm on I may as well post a picture of Minx:

and Smokey, their mother and my precious baby:

Now does she know how to relax or what?!? 

Sorry, I am rather proud of my beautiful cats! 

End of edited bit!

Righty ho, I suppose I should really try and get on with this work (could do with being sat on a beach with a cocktail in my hand right now!) 

bye for now
nezangel x

Mood - Obsessive/Fretting about cat/Headache/Still Happy!
Music - Nobody's Diary - Yazoo (I love my 80s music!)
Edited -

I know exactly what you mean....I am suppose to be doing assignments but everytime I log on the the computer guess what site I check   but they are sooooo addictive and I need my fix regularly.....bring on October.... that means more stories and more pictures

Now the cat....Hmmm...she is black and white about Minstral !  *ducks*  I know...another Goodies referrence...Couldn't help myself 
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 30/08/2006 12:21 GMT
No not October.  That's when the jealousy kicks in. No more jealousy. 

Was expecting kittens to relate to to a giant cat (ape) but I agree with bondy, minstrel.
Posted by:bindy


date: 01/09/2006 01:49 GMT
Yes, even when I thought I'd got onto a non-Goodies related topic I hadn't really - Kitten Kong!  It seems my obsession runs deep & I can talk about nothing else!
Posted by:nezangel

nezangel WWW 

date: 01/09/2006 03:28 GMT
Oops, sorry - forgot to mention I like the name Minstrel - t'will be considered ta!
Posted by:nezangel

nezangel WWW 

date: 01/09/2006 03:31 GMT
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