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bindy's Journal
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2006-08-22 02:05:22
Hello Possums!

Here I am at 2a.m. sucking the last drop of red wine from the cask and pondering what to drink next.  To my dismay upon my arrival home I discovered that the beer fridge was not only nearly empty but switched off.  WHO WOULD DO SUCH A THING???  As housemate stix is still at work and housemate Jak Johnston would never ever I have decided to blame housemate SURE.  Luckily for him it will be a week b4 our ships pass and by then I will have quenched my thirst.

Weekend was spent entirely on the couch.  I was not sure that was possible but I did manage to achieve it and only left it to powder my nose and on Sunday morning to fetch the paper.  I slept on it friday, laid on it all saturday, even laid it out and shared it, then monopolised it all sunday where I nana napped and eventually slept on it throughout to Monday 4a.m.  At this time STIX got home from work and I had a few drinks with her b4 retiring to my bed after a hard weekend at 5a.m.  Nice one sista!!!

Of course this couch therapy was not productive to the important matters of fixing car, looking at property, washing, eating etc etc.  Oh well there is all ways next weekend.  No wait, camping next weekend so I will not be moving from my camp chair!!! Alas, it sucks to be me!

In other exciting news I have a black tongue again.  Yep, she is black as black can be and noone can tell me why.  Showed sporty who is a health nut and works at the chemist.  She proceeded to drag me around the chemist and show all the pharmacists because she is convinced I am dying and if not my tongue is.  Personally I think it is neat and it scares the crap out of everyone.  Yeah, fear.  After much "You should go to the doctors" crapola the consensus was reached that that was never happining because I am far to busy to be bothered with the such trifling things as health it was decided that I should gargle betadine. Now I remember this stuff going on dads leg when he had all those pins and I was pretty sure that ingesting this would be kind of dangerous and perhaps the best course of action was to drink white wine. It was at this juncture that I learnt you could get a betadine to gargle.  I asked if it tasted gross, to which was resounding yes and I tried to make a hasty exit.  But alas I now have betadine under the assurance that my tongue will go another funky colour b4 returning to boring old pink.  I hate pink.  I nearly got away without it because I pointed out that you couldn't take it when pregnant.  To which congratulations was offered but being honest  I had to respond "I'm not pregnant it just says u can't take it if u r".  Anywho, since my diet and nothing has changed if anyone can offer insight into my black tongue (nothing rude please my mothers reading) I would be greatful.

Its only Monday so first day at work after weekend date with the couch.  Already I am close to foetal position. on top of the 20 that arrived friday there where 15 more.  I was most pleased to see the arrival of two pallets of fire chimney heater things because as we all know North Queesnland is expecting severe snow storms this summer.  luckily for us we now have an abundant supply of electric blankets, heater fans and of course two pallets of chimney things thus all meaning we will not suffer the same fate like our distant cousins did in the last ice age that hit.  And to cap it all off I am getting another 22 pallets tomorrow (which is 2 day).  Fortunately there is still room up my butt for all this and when the xmas stock comes in in less than 3 weeks I shall be able to stick in my front bottom.  Ohh the joy.  Shall have lengthy discussion with big boss 2 morrow although conveyed all I just said to her in an email at 1.30a.m.

To Sel aka DR. yes you are old and yes your brother is way old so I guess there is no point moaning about  it and instead you will just have to keep being a georgraphist (like that word?) and categorising all these social demo graphical thingys so that you can at least feel wise in your old age.  Me, I am reduce to playing Buz on the PS2.  And I'm good!!!
But I'm young regardless of the grey hair.

Anywho all I am off to watch the Goodies Tasty Box and dream about that guy Armi James of Miami Ink so TTFN


Mood - sleepy but thirsty
Music - bloody fish tank!!!
Edited -

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