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daftbird's Journal
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2006-08-15 15:28:47
the way i feel...
Just pasted blog entry from today here...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006
the way i feel... tired as buggery. Haven't slept for days. So much so that just now I accidentally published just the heading and then had to go delete it, like an utter goose. It must be a day of feathered creatures because this morning I resembled a cockatoo. One of those days where you dry your hair and it sticks up in the air and , FRIG it all, it doesn't want to sit down. Though, fortunately, in the end, it did . Why does it always have to happen when you have to be somewhere?? And then of course when you're having a day at home it sits perfectly, each layer in place. Makes you feel like taking a photo and pulling it out and saying "see see I can look like a human and not a cockatoo!". WHY IS IT that females have a problem separating body image from self image??? A man would just go oh who gives a toss, but a woman goes around all day feeling like cockatoo woman. Grossly unfair.

This post does have some kind of point and it is that I was most fortunate to find a heap of very cheap old reader's digests today -5 cents each - dating back to 1966. Looks like there's some good reading in there. Thought I would share some article titles with anyone daft enough to be reading this. I inadvertently lied once before in this blog when I said that there are 4 piles of books next to the bed. There are actually 5. Now add 83 Reader's Digest magazines to that.

Can't wait to get into these...

Saga of the "chicken" Colonel (no doubt very secret and VERY spicy)

I am Joe's Prostate (huh?)

Four Legs and a Bunch of Claws (what the?)

I am Jane's Ovary (pleased to meet you)

The Enduring Mystery of Dyslexia (will no doubt stay that way - how the frig could a dyslexic read it???)

How Happy are You? (not particularly, but thanks for asking)

Your Hunches May Be Your Future (Quasimodo goes psychic)

The Baffling World of Psychobabble (explained here: big wank)

I am Joe's Hair (bet he doesn't look like a cockatoo and doesn't care if he does)

Trouble at the "Bedroom Olympics" (hmm)

I am Joe's Spine

How to Murder Your Husband (might have been handy a few years back)

How I Learnt To Stop Worrying and Love the Dog ( and I thought I had problems)

Advice To A Bored Young Man

I am Joe's Intestine (this article will be full of crap)

Do People Really Marry for Love? (??)

I am Joe's Adrenal Gland (makes me stressed just thinking about reading this article)

There's No Fleeing The Flea (just ask my labrador)

Praise the Potato! (then poke out its eyes)

Our Smallest Minority - Dwarfs (there are only 7 of them)

Here Come The Prostaglandins (woh, baby)

Are You A Genius? (no, just the opposite, thanks for asking)

I am Joe's Pituitary Gland

The Suicide of the Sexes (it had to happen eventually, didn't it?)

How Women's Lib Maketh (and Unmaketh) the Man.

Well, as you can see i have my work cut out for me. But when will I get a chance to read them!!!!!! Boo hoo .

Mood - tired as
Music - writing to reach you - travis
Edited - Never

HA! that is great Dafty - You had me in stitches (sound like it should be one of your articles   ) I feel a bit sorry for poor old Joe - his insides certainly get a going over - 'The suicide of the sexes' - I wonder if that is a study of your sex life after kids
Posted by:bondgirl


date: 15/08/2006 17:41 GMT
I remember those "I am Joe's/Jane's" articles... yick.  And why was it ALWAYS Joe unless it was some specifically female disorder?  Don't women have intestines, brains, toes, lymph glands?  Or are we just ovaries on legs?


I've started going through my mountain of books for a garage sale... found at least a dozen Celtic history/art/religion books I bought and never read.  Some good insomniac reading there...
Posted by:jodievdw


date: 16/08/2006 06:40 GMT
I was disappointed you left out a comment on Advice To A Bored Young Man...

"Don't do that, you'll go blind!"

Posted by:mazzanda


date: 16/08/2006 15:06 GMT
you people are funny -hahaha .
Posted by:daftbird


date: 16/08/2006 20:39 GMT
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