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urban_spacegirl's Journal
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2006-06-29 06:43:07
urban_spacegirl Boy Worries.  Thanks a lot for your advice, peeps.  It has helped, to a certain extent, however I should probably have explained the sitauation somewhat more before I went about asking for advice.  If it were as simple as: I like lad, but not sure if he likes me, that would be a bit easier.  There are a few things that have to be taken into consideration with this particular lad, though.  However, however, however, I'm slightly less panicked now.  I've spent a considerable amount of time with him this week and I may very well be getting somewhere - if not towards more than friends YET, then certainly towards a much better friendship.  I'm seeing him on Sunday for a bit...
However, that's all dead boring, and will update about all that jazz if and when anything happens.

Work has been odd recently - I was wondering why I was getting an obscenely low number of hours, but was enlightened today when one of my bosses (the nice one) told me that if my other boss (the nasty one) only gives us employees twenty hours a week, then she doesn't have to pay extra to something called PAYE (I dunno what that is, just that she's a tight cow and doesn't want to pay this extra money..) So that's why they keep employing people to cover the place - dropping my hours down to this measly twenty - when really she could be giving me the forty hours a week she promised me when I started back this summer. I thought vaguely about looking elsewhere, but to be honest, I really enjoy the job, just not the number of hours I get.  I'm taking on a whole bunch of babysitting jobs for my Mum's friends though, so that should keep me in clothes and CDs (and Goodies tickets) while I can try to save anything that I make at work. 

One thing that annoyed me this past couple weeks:  I was supposed to go and see Art Garfunkel last Tuesday - I was so utterly excited, you wouldn't believe it, however it ended up that I couldn't go.  I'd paid for the ticket on my little bro's credit card - I don't have one of my own...this is how I keep getting myself into trouble - and he'd promised me that he had enough on it to cover the cost - and I paid him back with a cheque.  Yet, I got a phonecall about three days before the gig saying that the card had been rejected or something - there wasn't enough money on it and they were going to have to let the ticket go.  I was fuming.  I had been looking forward to that for a long time.  Obviously, they hadn't actually taken the money for the ticket off the card until that Cammy had obviously gone and spent all his money, then when they did try to take for it - there was nothing to take.  I think.  Although that does seem a bit odd, but it's the only explanation. 
Naturally, I spent the night I should have been seeing Art in the pub drowning my sorrows.  Oh woe...

A friend of mine went to Cambodia today for three months - she's supposed to be teaching English and art in an orphanage there.  This'll mean nothing to you guys, but this lassie is the most ditzy, disorganised, scatter-brained wee thing in the world and I dread to think how she'll manage not to get arrested/killed/or worse.  To prove my point, she only went and lost her bag - which contained her purse and all her credit and debit cards and ID - the very night before she was supposed to go.  God love her....

I don't understand golf.  Just thought I'd throw that in there.

Mood - Sort of apathetic
Music - Oasis
Edited - Never

Oh dear - good luck to your friend! I don't understand how people can watch golf without immediately becoming bored!
Posted by:ek


date: 04/07/2006 23:35 GMT
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