Last day of work experience. I was sad to go :'( because everyone was so great and I had fun. And, to my great surprise, I only stuffed up once. Let me tell you a tale... You know when glass is either really hot or really cold, you shouldn't pour really hot or cold water over it? I'll explain. I had to pour boiling water into a glass jug, being very careful when I was rinsing it out. But stupid little me put cold water straight on to it. All of a sudden I heard this ching, and to my horror there was a gigantic crack running all the way 'round the jug. Oh mother F@cker . If anyone noticed, they didn't say anything. I certainly didn't.
And now for some things that rhyme with pruneonthe moon:
Angus Prune (after whom I am named) Neddie Seagoon The moon is a baboon Spike Milligoon cocoon (where I live)
Mood - unusually relaxed and hungry
Music - the Mamas and Papas