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Edna's Journal
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2006-05-19 07:48:04
Who knows....
In the words of Sandy Denny (well she sang 'em at least) 'Who knows where the time goes? It seems like , one minute snooker's just finished and i'm finishing off storyboards, the next minute it's about 3 weeks later. S'pose I have been a bit busy. Friend ians birthday, no shopping before hand, just a recce round town (we have a sesh in town lasting several hours). So on the Saturday, card shop, toy shop (to get afore spotted Chris Ecclestone and Slitheen walkie talkies) and only pausing to write out the card, to the pub.
I've been busy putting DVDs together for Bondgirl (ready for dispatch next week) 'cos she sent me Aunty Jack season 1. Someone else has sent me season 2 for other swapsies. And someone else has offered me the album. 20 years I've been waiting for a sniff and now I'm inundated. Laughing like drains at it we are. Watxching some odd stuff recently, Shangalang, seaside special, all from a nice bloke who sent me stuff for, yep you guessed it. swaps.
I did a murder mystery last Friday that was brilliant. I was a mad music teacher with a Bill Oddie fixation (my own contribution to the script). Where else could you stand and recite the words to the Funky Gibbon, citing it as an unparalelled classic, in a room of people and then return off your head as a gun wielding maniac laughing so loud i did me throat in and chasing people and shooting them.  I love that job. There's talk of a troupe of us going off to America for a month and doing them at a chain of hotels, never come off, great if it did though, wonder if we could do it in Australia....
Roger's washing machine gave up the ghost half way through a wash on Saturday.  A right state, he had some important calls to make for work, dilemma. We had to wrench the door off with a hammer to get the clothes out catching the water in a bucket. I was there for a while bailing out the rest and squeezing clothes, oh the jokes we made about mangles and wash day hands. We went to the shop straight away and got a reconditioned one , delivered yesterday. The first time I ever plumbed in a  washing machine, not a task I want to repeat too frequently. Water, water evrywhere drives a girl to drink , well it almost did. Will continue on that thread tomorrow night.
One film I worked on has gone to Cannes in a rough form to drum up interest, that'd be good, I've been asked to be musical co-ordinator on it  for the moment. That'll be a load of hard work then, I mightn't be seen for weeks.
All that and I never fitted in Taking my mom to Gloucester.
Oh and it's just been announced the Bonzo Dogs are touring in November, it's all go innit?
Off to tootle on the net for a bit before sleepybobos

Mood - A bit sleepy
Music - Pierre Moerlern's Gong
Edited - Never

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