Yippeeeeee!!!!!!! Friday at last. Now I only have to survive the next 8 hours and I have the whole weekend in front of me to catch up on sleep
Actually, I'm still working tomorrow, but only in the morning, while my Fiance is doing some overtime at work to boost the pay packet a little, (mortgage repayments suck). At least tomorrow afternoon, I'll be doing something fun. This month's SFSA Meeting (DR. Who Fan Club) starts at 3 at Adelaide High School. There is some possibility of catching the first episode of the new Dr. Who Series, although I won't substantiate the claim. Deny everything, Believe nothing and blame it all on the dog
Must remember to take my laptop home today as well, need to do some updates to some websites, including this one.
Mood - Slightly less stressed
Music - Morris Minor - Stutter Rap
Just a little comment on your music choice , what a great song Stutter Rap (No sleep till Bedtime) agreat send up of eighties Rap . I like the film clip sending up the Beastie Boys (No sleep till Brooklyn) , particulaly the scatching of the record in the gutter.