Well I'm into the snooker at the mo so have been skiving (what's new??). 3 quarters through storyboarding for that cahp from Coventry. He got back in contact after taking time out to move house, fair enough. I did re-acquaint myself with them last night but due to some fab ballaction (so to speak) didn't actually do anything. Not done ittoday either due to similar. Tomorrow will though. Honest Last Thursday went to meet mate Paul in pub at lunch time. Got a DVD of Astronauts tha we've been trying to fetch off old tapes for ages. It's still not quite right, it'll do though. When he left a chap who I'd exchanged pleasantries a couple of jokes with bought me a drink. He was OK but newly divorced. ifelt a bit sorry for him so I chatted with him awhile before going home to my beloved (snooker). Got an Easter egg in the blokes fridge. They're going cheap on the market, so we're buying them and eating them, what can ya do? Rushed round town the last couple of days finding a prezzy for mom's bifday. BBC Narnia boxset £16 split twixt me and Rog. Yesterday, went back into town to get the card, wrapping paper ticket for ISIHAC and 2 for Steel Eye Span. Busy few weeks ahead. Round mom's Bren put on a disc of his and others performances. We snorted with laughter at Bom and his magoc drum stick the combo. Best stuff in Brum. Ebay? I bought summat t'other month and sent the cheque off to the seller, it nevr arrived her end, now she thinks I'm a con artist. Take some sorting that one. i'm keeping my eye on th double Aunty Jack CD though.... Good God, I waffle.
Mood - Tired
Music - listen agin, In Tune with Grayboots.
I didn't know SteelEye Span were still performing! I hadn't heard them for years. Mum used to listen to them a lot when I was a kid. I always remember singing along to them whenever we went on long car trips. Mum has the albums on CD now and something made me think of it when we were up there for lunch at Easter so we were playing the CDs. Trent had never heard them before and kept saying that they reminded him of Spinal Tap. hahahahahaha
Ah, eBay... I paid something directly into a seller's bank account, kept the receipt and they STILL claimed they never got it. Had to threaten legal action before I finally got me secondhand copy of the Making of the Goodies Disaster Movie.