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From Bard To Verse - Goodies Birthday Poems and others
Goody Goody Video Night - Print Email PDF 
Posted by bretta 05/07/2006


» Goodies Birthday Po...
» 50th Clarion & Glob...
» Stuff That Gibbon N...
» I Wish That I Was A...
» It Can't Have Been ...
» Goody Goody Video N...
» Bless 'Em, Bless 'Em
» An Ode To The C&G
» T' Art of Ecky Thump

by Brett Allender
(from Goodies-L October 1997)
A poem about the first-ever Melbourne Goodies video night which was held at club member Joanna Lee's place in Blackburn in October 1997 on the very night that an interview with The Goodies appeared on the TV show "Where Are They Now"
It was every Goodies fan's delight
At Blackburn (no, not Tony!) on Friday night
I ventured over to Joanna's place
To laugh myself sillier and stuff my face
My sister Kristen came along with me
We met up with Nick and Greg and Tracey
Joanna's whole family joined in the fun
The "Where Are They Now" clip intrigued everyone
A greybearded Bill and a raddled Tim
But who on earth is that next to him?
Ruddy Hell,it's Graybags, our old fuzzychops mate
Needing Bill's Peruvian gerbil to cover his pate
Their thoughts and film clips were just the tops
Then ruddy Channel 7 soon gave 'em the chop
For Carmen Lawrence ... flippin' heck ... struth!
Hope she was telling Peter Luck the truth!
The Stone Age and Movies got us off with a jolt
Lollies and Coke vanished just like Harold Holt
Radio Goodies had us splitting our seams
Especially at Graeme and his power-mad schemes
We Disco Heaved with Saturday Night Grease
And the musical chase scene with the dancing police
Bill's epic sleepwalk after New Improved Snooze
Heaps of classics to keep us amused
Joanna's white cat made a good Kitten Kong
It demolished my lap the whole evening long
We finished things off with Alternative Roots
All of us agreed that the night was a beaut
Thank you Joanna and your family
For your friendly hospitality
Many great episodes still to go through
Plenty left for Video Night Two

Charming, delightful, kind.
Posted by:laddiebuck


date: 21/08/2007 02:07 GMT
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