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3. Goodies Fan Sites & Forums
Link Hits
All Things Goodies - A site for Tim, Bill, & Graeme2604
Go there!

Anything Anytime - The Goodies Fanlisting2530
Go there!

Bananaman forum2238
A forum on Bananaman.Go there!

Bill Oddie Fan site2440
A site for fans of Bill Oddie. Includes Biography, Bill Oddie My Mentor, Links, News, Guestbook & Forum.Go there!

Bill Oddie Forum For Fans6546
A Forum for fans of Bill to discuss his nature shows and other work.Go there!

Bill Oddie Yahoo Group2998
Go there!

Bring Back The Goodies!3642
Go there!

Broaden Your Mind on Youtube1717
Original audio from episodes put to pictures so you at least can get a visual idea of the original series.Go there!

Full Frontal Radio-I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again Fanlistin 2278
Full site name is Full Frontal Radio - The I'm Sorry I'll Read That Again Fanlisting (due to size limits we had to shorten it for the name field).Go there!

Goodies artist Jayne Brewster Beard's website2731
Go there!

Goody Art by Jenny2091
I have put up Goody art that I did at College this year and I have added a new section with new Goody pictures that I have produced recently.Go there!

Goody Art byJenny2553
This is the new website for Jenny's Goody art work she did at college and also for her new recent Goody art work.Go there!

GROK's MySpace Page2644
The Goodies Rule - OK! Fan Club's official site on MySpaceGo there!

GROK's YouTube Channel3021
Go there!

Kill The Cod2541
Site whose name was inspired by The Goodies "Lips, or Almighty Cod" episode which contains a section on our favorite trio.Go there!

The Cerdonic Goodies Site2846
A small fan site with video and audio clips, merchandise links and press articles.Go there!

The Cricklewood Office2951
Go there!

The Goodies and More - Youtube1698
Goodies clips and pieces...Go there!

The Goodies At No Fixed Abode1022
The UK Based Fan ClubGo there!

The Goodies Down Under3928
Go there!

The Goodies on Youtube1870
Exactly what it says on the baked been can...Go there!

The Goodies Rock3256
A new Goodies site based in the U.K.Go there!

The Goodies UK1162
The Goodies UK is basically a small hub connecting to other Goodies websites in the Goodies fan community. But also has a brief overview of the Series, Music, books and of course the Super chaps three themselves.Go there!

The GoodiesForever Yahoo Group3061
A Place to talk about and enjoy the work And talent of Tim Brooke-Taylor, Graeme Garden And Bill Oddie. Go there!

The Land of Tim Brooke-Taylor2212
Go there!

The New Saucy Gibbon888
'A sensational underwater craft which serves as both a pirate radio station and post office.' - Also a Goodies fan social hub and the place to find all the Good-Goodies news!Go there!

The Saucy Gibbon3201
The Pirate UK Goodies WebsiteGo there!

The Unofficial Goodies site (sound/icon downloads)3532
Go there!

Tim's appearance in Willy Wonka3092
Tim's page on a fan site devoted to the film "Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory"Go there!

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An Audience With The Goodies DVD 
Order Here.

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Latest Newsletters:

* C&G 241 February 2022
* C&G 240 October 2021
* C&G 239 September 2021

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Other Online Goodies Resources 
* The Goodies Podcast
* The Goodies Pirate Podcast

Goodies' Official Sites:
* Bill Oddie's official website
* Official I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue website

Other Fan Sites:
* The Goodies Facebook Page
* The Goodies Illustrated Guide

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