the weather in tassy is terrible. Its almost like a cyclone is about to hit. Its been raining on and off the last few days and its as windy as anything. Anyway this is my first journal entry ever but certenly not the last i hope. Well everthings gone well so far ive spoken about the weather and the obvious what now. oh yes i know my little sister, she knows exactly who the goodies are and shes only what 1 or 2. (Far out im a terrible sister i dont even know how old she is.) Anyway one time she got into my dvd cabnet and took out my goodies dvds, turned the tele on and all that time saying goody goody goody over and over again. It was the funniest thing. And now every time she goes into my room she chants goody goody goody all the time till i put them on for her. Its insane i cant wait till she learns how too say each of the goodies names. she can almost Tim and Bill but i dont think she will be able to say Graeme for a little while though. Its fun having a little sister shes like a sponge.