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Im_a_Teapot's Journal
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2006-04-05 19:05:35
WOW what am I doing?
Spev will confirm this but let's face it, I'm not good on a telephone.  In fact I avoid using them if possible, but recently...

Well today I finally had enough sitting in and waiting for nothing to turn up from the printers so I phoned them up (they were actually supposed to phone me last night).

And boy did I make them feel bad, instead of yelling I was saying, '*sigh* well we really need these posters today *big sigh* but I suuupose we'll have to make do with tomorrow'.

Thinking on that I should have followed TIms example and cried -  nothing worse than making a girl cry and the way I'm feeling about the project involving the posters I'm often not far from tears!

Never  mind I'm the cheerful one now!  1 day of it left!!!!

Mood - Chipper (what an ace word)
Music - Breakmakers again but the Monkees woke me up
Edited - Never

It's true.  However terrible Peej says she is on the phone, I will swear down on my life that she's worse than that.

Only a bestest friend could ever be that brutally honest!!  Although it has to be said, after a good while of me helping and training her to speak on the phone, she's not as bad as she used to be.  I have been known to start chatting to Peej at around 9p.m. and still be howling with laughter down the phone with her at 3a.m. the following morning!!!  So she IS getting BETTER.  It's just with strangers she's still got a bit of confidence to work up!!!

Pooj love, I'm proud of you for calling these people and getting things sorted out.  At least you won't be QUITE as stressed as you have been later when all this is over!!!
Posted by:Not_A_Megalomaniac

Not_A_Megalomaniac WWW 

date: 05/04/2006 23:25 GMT
This time tomorrow the PRevent EskimoHouse (haha) will ALLLL be over and we'll just have 100 copies of our PC Game Pub Quiz to sell because the baords will have turned up at 5pm and everyone else will have given up!

Never mind - am looking forward to a good brew; it's been great to come back to the Goodies and chill out a little.

I've just realised I'm commenting in my own Journal but never mind!
Posted by:Im_a_Teapot

Im_a_Teapot WWW 

date: 06/04/2006 04:07 GMT
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